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Is Trump Jr Being Set up By his Own Lawyers?

One of the most interesting events is how the Democrats and Muller have gone after Trump, Jr. for meeting with a Russian lawyer last year. The Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower said the president’s oldest son told her the U.S. government would review a 2012 law punishing Russian human […]

Trump’s Tax Reform

    These days, US President Donald Trump is pushing his number one agenda of his term in office – major tax reform. Trump has been meeting with some of his own party senators seeking approval for the planned tax reform he is hoping will be signed by the end of December at the latest […]

Clinton Paid to Have the Dossier Created to Try to Discredit Trump

COMMENT: I am shocked that the Washington Post has come out and admitted that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier that has been the center of all the investigations even though much of it has been discredited. REPLY: Welcome to the real world of politics. What they do […]

Trump to Release Secret Files on JFK?

I have often been called the Forest Gump of finance. I have tended to meet so many people surrounding so many events it is often funny. I actually met President John F. Kennedy and shook his hand as a kid in Willingboro, New Jersey on Oct. 16, 1960. (I did not want to become president like […]

Why is Congress at 31% & Trump at 41% Approval in the Polls?

A root cause for Congressional ineffectiveness will be found in the simple fact that the exercise of good governmental judgment cannot possibly compete with re-election pressures. This is why term limits are ABSOLUTELY  MANDATORY if we ever hope to have a reasonable government. There is a substantial conflict between good government and corrupt ineffective government. Congress […]

Was Paddock an Anti-Trump Motivated Shooter?

A number of emails have come in about Paddock. There are pictures floating around of someone who looks like Paddock at anti-Trump rallies. This is by far not confirmed and is highly speculative. Nevertheless, the timing cyclically when someone would be triggered to act in this manner would be about January 12th. Targeting the Country […]

BREXIT – Trump – Now Barcelona

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am the person who did not believe you when you came to Barcelona and said that there would be a separatist movement. The polls at that time showed only a 15% support. I still read and followed you I suppose to see if you would be wrong. I must say, your […]

Judge Suspended for 30 days for Wearing a Trump Hat

  A judge in Ontario, Canada was suspended for 30-day without pay for wearing a Trump hat – Make America Great Again. This certain raises the question who he have suffered the same penalty had he worn a Hillary hat?

Trump Tower Meeting & Half Truths – Another Untold Story

Bloomberg News is reporting that there is an ongoing criminal investigation into a client of the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who met at Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and adviser, and Paul Manafort. The attorney  Veselnitskaya had a client with  and undisclosed a U.S. criminal investigation into possible Russian Money […]

Supreme Court Backs Trump on Immigration

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, you were correct. The Supreme Court supported Trump on the travel ban. REPLY: The entire issue was political. The six countries were targeted by Obama to begin with. The President has absolute power over that issue and it was a joke that any lower court would dare to intervene. The 4th […]