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The First Black Hole Has Been Photographed

  For many years, there were arguments that black holes were nonsense and did not exist. Astronomers have captured the first image of a black hole, which has at last has settled the debate. The picture taken illustrates a halo of dust and gas, which forms the outline of a huge black hole 55 million light years from […]

The Rally Beyond 2015 in the Dow Has Proven We are in a Cycle Inversion

QUESTION: There are many people who are now saying we are headed into a recession. Your model shows we are coming to the end. Yet you have been the only analyst who has been correct. There are bankers warning the stock market will collapse by 50% because it always goes down in a recession. I […]

Climate Change: Real – Fake – Exaggerated?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that you are against human-induced global warming yet you confirm that climate change is natural. You seem to be in the middle of these arguments. You warned that solar activity was declining and there was a risk of going into a mini ice-age, but you did not seem to place high […]

Scottish Independence & BREXIT

QUESTION: Marty, Big fat question for you regarding the UK and the SNP. You seemed to support Scotland breaking away from the UK in 2014, but since then you’ve voiced your concern on the socialist policies of the SNP. I share that concern, as do a growing number of people here, in not so sunny […]

How Did Socrates do at the 1929 High?

QUESTION: You said Socrates has been back tested. What did it write technical the day of the high in 1929? PO ANSWER: It has learned from all the data globally. Here is the technical analysis it wrote for 9/3/1929 without human editing: The market scored a new major high on 09/03/1929 which is up 4 […]

Socrates Progress Report

We are progressing in uploading all the memory modules. Soon, we will have all modules plugged in. I had an interesting meeting with one institution. One CFO still questioned if there was any human involvement in the reports. He said that the writing was too good for just a machine and assumed someone had to […]

Founder of Green Peace calls AOC a “Little Twit”

  There are some sensible Democrats who seem to afraid of coming out to criticize AOC. The real question becomes, will she take the Democrats down in flames? We will have to start running the models for 2020. The assumption here is that this is all human-induced. No one has ever heard of nature or cycles.

Fashions Turning to Civil Unrest for Inspiration

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am in the fashion industry and it becomes painfully obvious that there are cycles in fashion. You have mentioned before the economic correlations of the rise and fall of women’s skirts and how men’s ties widen and then narrow. What do you make of this year’s fashions that seem to be […]

Warren Buffett Loses Billions

QUESTION: It is no secret that you went head to head against Warren Buffett in his silver manipulation. He is having a very bad year with his buy and hold value strategy. It looks like without making billions on the side manipulation of commodities, he is no better a fund manager than anyone else. Care to […]

Professor Easterbrook Testified Before Congress with Real Data Showing Global Warming Ended in 1998

Professor Don Easterbrook, who teaches geology at Western Washington University, testified before Congress that climate change is cyclical. Easterbrook made it clear that he was not politically motivated or funded by any big industry. In fact, he has 50 years of experience and provided the data to support his claims. The professor has been speaking out […]