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Snowden Advocates Anti-NSA Technology

Edward Snowden addressed the hacking conference in NYC known as HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) to focus development of easy-to-use technologies to subvert government surveillance programs around the globe. He is advocating technology that would allow people to communicate anonymously and encrypt their messages. You can bet the NSA would love to have him assassinated […]

Swiss Proposal to End Private Banking

The Swiss are getting a bad reputation for starting to have some off-the-chain socialist nut-job groups who obviously do not understand humanity, desire to suppress it and control it, and never bother to investigate an issue before blurting out solutions. The latest proposal is to effectively destroy banking completely assuming that leverage is the problem. […]

Welcome the Federalization of One Europe to Save the Euro

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, just want to share with you an interview today with Mr Draghi in the Dutch newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’ (June 21st 2014). I had google translated the text but made some modifications here and there. Hope you can still understand it. Draghi wants more power to Brussels, that’s quite clear from the […]

EU to Seize Greek Pension Funds

The reason politicians are so dangerous is because they will never admit a mistake. Instead, they dig our grave ever deeper. In truth, they act no different from the management of ENRON. The only difference, they are never prosecuted for their frauds. Nonetheless, human nature is the same and just like ENRON doing everything possible […]

European Poverty Reached 123 million – 16%

The Sovereign Debt Crisis that began to show its head in Europe is demonstrating that socialism just does not work. The whole idea of a central managed state and highly regulated pro-worker policy has reduced job growth and exploited labor to such an extent with taxes that the euro countries can no longer fulfill their […]

You Are Not Alone

QUESTION:  Martin, One of my friends who reads you said reading your stuff is like getting a graduate level course in political economics.  You’ve said that various colleges have asked that you teach.  You should suggest to them that they simply require their students to read your on line postings. I am curious as to […]

Microsoft Opens the Door All The Way

Windows 8.1 is allowing remote access into your computer. Honestly, those who need that can buy software for that function. This is like Obamacare where everyone needs maternity leave with no consideration of age. Remember – what opening you create for remote access others will hack. I just reset my password for EBay. Never shopped […]

How Your Cell Phone Threatens Your LIBERTY

Technology played a key role in the Arab Spring as it has in Ukraine. The propaganda that the Ukrainian Revolution was inspired by a CIA plot covered up the fact that it was truly a grass-roots uprising against corruption diminishing the real issue these people were fighting for. They confuse the effort of the USA […]

The Fourth Branch – DEEP STATE – In Plaint Sight

There has been the typical strategy to label anything that questions government’s ethics as the “conspiracy theory” so that it may still exist in plain sight. In most cases, there is a tool to further that goal of disinformation to allow corruption to exist in plain sight, yet denied. They use people who spin whatever real […]

German Polititians Raise Their own Salaries from 5,000 to 9,000 Euros per month

This idea of socialism and get the rich is just a cover, The Politicians just raised their own salaries from 5,000 to 9,000 euros per month. Yet they are good socialists when the preach to the masses.