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What’s Happening in India?

QUESTION: Marty; Your model had forecast that there would be a more serious epidemic in 2022, not 2020. Is this what is unfolding in India now? FJ ANSWER: It appears that there is another corona-type virus which they are calling a variant. This is misleading insofar as they are portraying that somehow COVID is the […]

Civil War is Coming – GLOBALLY

  I have been in political meetings over the weekend. I cannot stress strongly enough that there are cracks appearing in this Great Reset Agenda. While Klaus Schwab’s evil dreams of redesigning the world may be spearheaded by corruption, bribes, and influence, the end goal is really not that distant from the Communist Revolutions and […]

Why Biden is the Perfect President   In all honesty, what people call “natural law” is simply a vague body of moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct. There is no written law, nor is there some great principle shared among nations. There is international law, and there is the international definition of human rights. But there […]

Real Estate into 2023

QUESTION: Marty, at the Orlando WEC, I asked you if your real estate forecasts for residential included condos. I believe you said no. I bought a house when your index elected a monthly bullish reversal in June 2020. Everything seems to have doubled since. Do you think your forecast into 2023 is influenced by the […]


QUESTION: Do Americans have to be concerned about having money in foreign exchanges in places like London or other European countries if they impose capital controls? Is this as big a risk for Americans and you wrote it is for Europeans? EM ANSWER: Yes. They will require you to prove that you are not fronting […]

Fauci Preaching Total World Control is Necessary

Fauci is now pushing Bill Gates’ agenda that the ENTIRE WORLD must be vaccinated against a virus that is no more deadly than the flu. Yet, the vaccines have unknown problems. What will messing with our DNA do to future generations? The conflict of interest is overwhelming when Fauci is at least responsible for this […]

Czech Government Using COVID for Permanent Control

COMMENT: Czech government just issued the rules for when shops and services reopen (these rules are to apply until the country goes from the current 4th stage to the 1st stage – i.e. very few “cases” and pretty much no deaths… so, forever, basically): – respirator masks obligatory for now everywhere (incl. outside); in stage 1 […]

Fake News is Part of Revolution

A Texas man who allegedly planned to bomb an Amazon Web Services data center in Virginia was arrested Thursday, according to the US Attorney for the Northern District of Texas. The FBI has filed a criminal complaint in federal court over a malicious attempt to destroy a building with an explosive. This is just the […]

Farmer Protests Rising

  People are unaware of the agenda with food and why Bill Gates has become the largest holder of farmland in the United States. There is a whole new agenda unfolding, and, of course, mainstream media has been bought off. Farmers in France and Croatia are standing up to EU policies. Farmers in France have […]

Archegos Capital Management Crisis

The Archegos Capital was founded by the former Tiger Management equity analyst, Bill Hwang. Archegos Capital, the “home office” hedge fund owned by Hwang, lost an unbelievable $110 billion in just five days. The strategy was the classic leverage using SWAPS. They never purchased shares of stocks in companies like ViacomCBS. Archegos Capital was entering […]