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Is Western Press Egging Putin to Fully Invade Ukraine?

One must wonder if the West is intentionally trying to create a full-scale European war. “Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days,” tweeted Riho Terras, who is also the former defense chief of NATO member Estonia. They are also claiming that Putin has […]

Florida & DeSantis

  I was invited to the Common Sense Society meeting in Palm Beach. There were quite a few of our clients there so it was no secret that I was in attendance. I was there to meet some key people who flew in as I did. I thought it was important to meet DeSantis eye […]

Populism/Democracy Must be Terminated!

The LEFT knows it is in serious trouble. This is why Biden had his Democracy Summit, which was a joke. Biden’s polls have collapsed. California is in crisis mode. The LEFT has defunded police, and violent crimes have exploded. Stores are subjected to organized gang shoplifting. So now we find that the LEFT is crying […]

Has George Soros Lost His Mind?

I warned that 2015.75 was the peak in confidence in government. It has been declining ever since. But this also marked the political shift where Donald Trump was the first non-politician to be elected president, which was right on target with our model that was 31.4 years from the start of this major wave 1985.65, […]

Gates – Vaccines & Population Growth

Bill Gates simply cannot be this stupid. He is engaging in pure sophistry to sell his population-climate change agenda. The mistake people are making here is they are judging the third world by our way of life. Gates is claiming that we need to vaccinate everyone in the world so they will have a healthier […]

The Dark Lord Behind the Curtain

There is a book about to be published that exposes that Soros has had his fingers in Ukraine to protect Hillary and Biden while undermining Trump. As everyone knows, I had direct contacts in Ukraine which were providing the backdrop to events. I was advising on how to win the revolution by convincing the police […]

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Loses the Trust of the American People

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell was caught in a lie that may cost him re-election in 2022. The Federal Reserve Chairman, the man with the most insight into future US market policy, sold between $1 million and $5 million from his personal account on October 1, 2020. Not so coincidentally, the Dow decreased by around […]

Political Cartoonist Fired in Australia For Showing Truth

Michael Leunig was sacked by the Australian newspaper “The Age.” Vaccines mandated by government have never taken place in history. How dare someone call into question such dictates of governments. Then to have the audacity to equate such tactics to the practices of Communist governments where liberty was never even a privilege, no less a […]

California – Just Hopeless

As expected, California has voted not to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom and ABC News has been reporting that 67% of electors in Tuesday’s special election are against recalling the Democratic governor. I do not think anyone was seriously expecting California to ever go against a democrat no matter what they do. Just look at Pelosi. […]

The Trends in the Animal World

In Japan, they are considering renaming a monkey “Hillary” because it is the first time a female monkey has risen to become a pack leader. Indeed, Hillary should be honored that this monkey was able to do what she could not. Meanwhile, Facebook shut down a gardening club because they were talking about which “hoe” […]