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Market Talk – August 7, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday sweeping bans on US transactions with China’s ByteDance, owner of video-sharing app TikTok, and Tencent, operator of the WeChat app, starting in 45 days, in a major escalation of tensions with Beijing. Trump said this week he would support the sale of TikTok’s US operations to Microsoft […]

Are Cryptocurrencies Really a Hedge Against the Dollar?

QUESTION: Do you think that cryptocurrencies will be sustainable as governments become pressed for money? What is your view of the dollar? Will it really crash when things are so bad here in Europe? Thank you in advance GH ANSWER: I think it is really naive to believe that cryptocurrencies will survive when we face […]

Trend in Interest Rates

COMMENT: Marty, Good morning. Repo rates have been creeping up ever so slightly and quietly. Points wise not much, but percentage-wise, numbers are getting bigger. Has everybody been lulled to sleep and looking the wrong way again? Best, E REPLY: The shift from a Public to a Private wave is in full motion. We can […]

World Economy Preparing for Collapse

The world has changed dramatically in the course of this orchestrated and intended collapse of the global economy in order to launch this Great Reset. In the course of several months, we have watched a deliberate economic disaster under the pretense of this coronavirus pandemic. While the main objective of one group has been the […]

Market Talk – June 29, 2020

ASIA: A new strain of flu that has the potential to become a pandemic has been identified in China by scientists. It emerged recently and is carried by pigs, but can infect humans, they say. The researchers are concerned that it could mutate further so that it can spread easily from person to person, and […]

Market Talk – June 23, 2020

ASIA: China National Biotec Group (CNBG) has won approval to run a large-scale “Phase 3” clinical trial of its novel coronavirus vaccine candidate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the company said on Tuesday. China is seeking to trial potential vaccines overseas because of a lack of new patients at home. China on Tuesday successfully […]

Central Bank Crisis Expanding

QUESTION: Hi Marty. You mentioned in the blog that all European sovereign debt may end up being converted into perpetual bonds. Will it be through debt mutualization or will each country have each own Consol? Could you please elaborate on how this conversion would affect pension funds, banks, social security and individual investors? Knowing that the […]

Market Talk – June 19, 2020

ASIA: Donald Trump has renewed his threat to cut ties with China, a day after his diplomats held high-level talks with Beijing and his top US trade negotiator said severing the trade relationship was not a viable option. The US response came as Washington questioned China’s credibility on accurately reporting the new Covid-19 cluster in […]

Civil Unrest in Media & The Supreme Court’s Wrongful Decision

There is civil unrest rising within the major media institutions in Europe and the United States including the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Washington Post just for example. The younger generation journalists are starting to rebel against management for the fake news. What is repeatedly coming out is demands for news organizations’ core value needs […]

The Fed is Trying to Hold up the World

QUESTION: What is you opinion sir on default on the debt when the FED is bailing out the world on it debts as fast as possible, including the 15 central banks with the “swap lines” loans to these central banks?? A Excel sheet is on the N.Y. FED web site with the list of the […]