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Artificial Intelligence & Neural Nets – Sorting out Truth from Fraud

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it seems many people are starting to pretend they have artificial intelligence systems and neural nets. It seems that they are using these terms very loosely. Can you explain the real difference? Everyone I have spoken to says you are the father of AI in finance. Thank you for all you contribute […]

Market Talk — October 23, 2015

Asian equity market continued the rally overnight that the ECB had teed-up for them with all main indices returning around +1.75% on the day. Although Europe had the afternoon session yesterday to react to the ECB Q+A, the early momentum remained constructive regardless. Then the news that the Chinese (PBoC) had cut its one-year benchmark lending rate by 25bp to […]

Market Talk – October 22, 2015

The Nikkei gave back some of yesterday’s rally as afternoon trading stocks turned negative to close down 118 points (0.65%). Shanghai rallied into the close, eventually gaining 1.5%, which made back some of yesterday’s losses. Europe spent most of the morning in no-mans land waiting for direction from the ECB. They did not have long to […]

Market Talk — October 21, 2015

Although the trade numbers from Japan were below forecasters’ projections, the street was abuzz with speculation of further BOJ intervention; so we saw the Nikkei close up 2% today. The same could not be said for Shanghai (closed down 3.5%) whilst the HSI was closed for a public holiday. European indices really could not decide on direction but after a […]

Market Talk – October 19, 2015

The economic data released from China earlier this morning has been the most talked about economic topic across almost every trading desk today. China’s Q3 GDP resulted in a small beat at 6.9% (expected 6.8%), and the September Retail Sales also slightly better at 10.9% (expected 10.8%) and then finally September Industrial Production released 5.7% against an estimated 6.0% expectation. All rather disappointing really – well, as […]

Clinton Made Student Loans Non-Discharable

The two major acts that the Clintons did perpetrate, which have set in motion our greatest crisis were (1) they repealed Glass-Steagall allowing banks to go nuts and return to proprietary trading of the 1920s at the direction of Robert Rubin of Goldman Sachs, and (2) they gave the banks absolute dominion over students by […]

Commodities Still Contracting

Mitsui & Co Precious Metals Inc is closing down its NY and London operations as losses mount. In New York, their operation was rather small with about 30 people, and their annual revenues were a little over $3 million. The company was formed only in 2005 and has not handled the bear market since 2011 […]

Market Talk – October 15th, 2015

Strong equity rallies all across the globe today with most markets returning between 1.5 and 2.5%. In Europe it took time for both the FTSE and CAC to follow suit but by the end of the day made Europe a clean-sweep. The US markets performed well especially after FED comments. There is growing speculation that the FED […]

Ancient City of Sodom Discovered?

One of the fascinating aspects of ancient stories has been that there seems to be truth lying between the accounts. In the case of Homer, the academics pronounced that Homer was a story written for children and not history. Heinrich Schliemann disagreed. He was not an archaeologist, just a history enthusiast with money. He discovered Troy and most of […]

Market Talk – October 13, 2015

The import numbers released from China early this morning was the last thing the commodity based countries wanted to see, especially after having found some decent optimism in recent trading. The Nikkei suffered the most, losing 1.1% on the day, and that carried forward into late U.S. trading where the futures are currently down a further 0.95%. […]