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The ECM Turning Point — 2015.75 — the Start of a Trend Is Now

In Barcelona, many people asked if I thought the pro-independence parties in Spain’s Catalonia region would actually win. I told them it was inevitable as this is the global trend in motion. The vote for Catalonia is in and the separatists have won an absolute majority in regional elections. The separatist alliance and a smaller party […]

Debt, Debt, & More Debt: 2015.75

The 1985 World Economic Conference Back in 1985, we warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis would emerge on 2015.75. How was 2015.75 forecast so far back? This is pi; 31.4 years into this Private Wave which began on 1985.65. At the 1998 World Economic Conference, we put out this slide listing the sequence of events. […]

Market Talk – September 25th, 2015

A weak session for Equities in Asia (Nikkei -2.7%), Europe (DAX -1.97%) and the US (DOW -0.5%)had Fund Managers searching for both answers and safe-havens. One market that benefited was the Bond Market with US Treasuries and Bunds both pushing yields back lower. The US 10yr managed a break below the 2.10% yield to a daily […]

The Greek Elections Will Not Make A Difference

Alexis Tsipras hailed a victory for his left-wing Syriza party after winning a second general election in less than 9 months. However, the many Greeks I have met with say they expect nothing to change. Before the vote, I reported that the Greeks I spoke with said that they did not expect anything to change because the previous government […]

Bubble Bubble, Where Is the Bubble?

Whenever I warn of anything using the word “CRASH”, the newspapers immediately report it as a forecast for a crash in the stock market. This demonstrates that there is no consideration that government can also crash and burn — the perfect example of 100% confidence. Yes, if this week simply closes on the Dow below 16280, then […]

2014 Precious Metals Report Update — Now Available

We are happy to announce that the update to the 2014 Precious Metals report is now available. As mentioned, this complimentary update is available exclusively to those who have purchased the 2014 Precious Metals report. If you purchased this report, you should have received an e-mail from us over the weekend containing the update. Unless […]

Believing in Nonsense

QUESTION: How can you refute all the evidence that there is global warming and climate change caused by man? ANSWER: First, you should not be reading this blog for you obviously believe in government propaganda no matter what the field has put out by the academic community. Global warming is on par with Marxism and […]

Canada Gives up Own Citizens to the USA IRS

Canada is giving up “accidental Americans” who have one American parent and that means the U.S. IRS wants to hit them with back taxes like an economic slave, even though they never lived in the USA nor have they consumed anything for which they should contribute their “fair share”. Taxes are simply owed to government to […]

Market Talk – September 14, 2015

Asian equities traded on the heavy side today (Nikkei -1.63% and Shanghai -2.67%), and so followed Europe. However, the U.S. market appeared most nervous of all world indices, even though they ended the day only down -0.4%. Obviously, the Fed’s decision is the main topic of conversation with Retail Sales tomorrow only gaining a mention, but these were reasons given for the tightest trading range seen in […]

Hillary – Anyone Else Would Be Prosecuted

On Wednesday, NBC News host Chuck Todd said, “This is no longer — she can’t just say this is a partisan witch hunt by the House Republicans. The FBI is now investigating, regarding the classified info situation. And, look, the best explanation still questions her initial judgment of why did she do this in the first […]