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Market Talk — September 1, 2015

You can always expect a quiet session when one of the major centers are out for a bank holiday, and that was what we saw yesterday. Not that dealers needed much of an excuse after last week’s fun and games. Asia did have a weak session after all the talk of the possibility of the Federal Reserve […]

Velocity of Money & the Boom and Bust Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is the velocity of money an indicator of booms and bust? Didn’t the QE program by the Fed increase the money supply? Then why do we not see an increase in velocity or inflation? Confused & Curious TW ANSWER: The reality is, in a broad general sense, the velocity of money is […]

The Close of August

So far, the markets are generally positioning themselves for a turn at the end of September. The Dow has traded sideways since Thursday, trying to cling to the rebound. We need a closing today ABOVE 17007 to firm up the market, and a closing below 16632 will warn that the Dow is weak going into […]

Government: The Most Evil Invention in History?

While we need some form of rule of law and independent body to appeal to for complaints, there is no question that government is by far the evilest invention ever created by humankind. When you actually look at how government begins, it allows us to see that the heart of the problem is always greed and power. Today, […]

Socrates & the General Public

QUESTION: Hello, I am one of the little people surviving on the minimum wage in the UK whilst raising my children to be responsible human beings and hopefully contribute to a better world. Thank you for your blog and your valuable insights, you have quite a following from those who have no financial interests and […]

Market Talk — August 28, 2015

Everyone is feeling good about themselves as the rebound in stocks continues. It is fair to say that all markets closed between 2–3% higher on the day. After solid gains in Asia, Europe opened on a firmer note and the U.S. followed. We did have a wobble mid-afternoon trade, but the final 90 minutes recouped the intraday drought and […]

Why This Week’s Low is So Important

The Dow fell as far as it could possibly go without reversing the trend on a long-term basis, even technically. The low this week has been 15370.33. This has flirted with our Third Monthly Bearish Reversal at 15550, but we also have a simple technical point of great importance — 15284 — which happens to […]

The Coming Phase Transition & the Dow

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for all you do.  I do have one question in regards to the Phase Transition above 23000 into the 35000-40000 number you have spoke of.  If we experience a close below 15500 for the month of August and see a continued correction into October to  around the 12000-13000 number would the […]

The Fudge Factor – Close vs. Intraday

QUESTION:  My question  below  is  for  Mr.  Armstrong. Hi Mr.  Armstrong, Thank you in behalf of  all of the investors/ traders who  are  awaiting to join Socrates soon .  my question is  you said in  recent  blog today  ”  If we break and close August at least BELOW 15961, then this will open the door […]

Thank You – The Future

COMMENT:  I carefully read through all your missives you had sent over the weekend, highlighting the importance of Monday for the Dow, and the levels given. You even said “Pay attention now Monday could be the intraday low. The open will be crucial”. And the low so far indeed did occur in the opening few […]