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Rising Separatist Movement in Corsica & Riots Against Muslims

For the last several year, the youth in Corsica have been clashing with police in a separatist protest. This is the youth uprising — the lost generation that socialism has turned into economic slaves. Some 500 young people responded to the call for independence from France. This is a rapidly building movement, especially since the War Cycle […]

Evil People in High Places? Or Just Coincidence?

Dick Cheney is best known for being the head of Halliburton who then became Vice President. Cheney moved his office directly in the White House and ran the government as the former “shadow president” because Bush, Jr. couldn’t even figure out he was holding a book upside down. Cheney started the Iraq War and made sure Halliburton ran the […]

Cameron Selling out Britain? Pound to Fall to 55 cents?

There is little doubt that David Cameron offered a referendum on Britain exiting the European Union (EU) because he thought it would never win. Now that the polls are in favor of exiting the EU, thank God Maggie is not around to watch what her Conservative Party is doing these days. Politicians have always been […]

Economists Do Not Try to Forecast the Business Cycle

  QUESTION: Marty, it was fantastic to meet you in Berlin and the conference really opened my eyes. Can’t wait for the sneak preview of the Trader level in Socrates. The Investor level is amazing providing a long-term outlook written by the computer. Your staff said the computer was writing daily trading reports in the […]

Real Estate Has Peaked

The U.S. real estate market has turned for the top end has peaked. Luxury homes for the top 5% are now off by 2%. In my personal search, I have been looking at homes in Florida for the past year. Some of the high-end homes they showed me on the beach were still on the […]

Turkey Denies Russian Ships Access via Bosporus

What is becoming clear is that Turkey has most likely NOT acted alone against Russia. They have more likely than not fired the first shot in what may become World War III. Turkey has been buying the oil from ISIS and thus funding them. Yet at the same time, they are part of NATO and […]

Antibiotics & The End of an Era

COMMENT:  Let’s see, penicillin was discovered in 1928, and first used en mass in 1943. Today, in 2015, antibiotic resistance is really becoming a problem (although it has been a minor problem for years, and will likely become a much larger problem in the future). Nonetheless, an article from the BBC today argues that we […]

London Property Crashes – Off 11.5% in One Month

It appears the London Property Market bubble has peaked with the Osbourne changes in taxation and the Economic Confidence Model. Already, just since the turn on September 30th, London property prices have crashed by 11.5%. The British Publication Money Week reported our forecast on July 15th, 2015.   The emails have been coming in asking […]

China Still Heading Lower

The latest economic news from China shows that, in dollar terms, imports collapsed 20.4% in September from a year earlier to $145.2bn. This is one of the sharpest declines ever, and it is far beyond what was expected. This has had a further impact upon the raw commodity sector and metals. This latest drop in Chinese imports was down […]

The War Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is obvious that so many people try to copy your work and pretend it is their original work. The Cycle of War is a classic example. No matter how much they fudge everything, your models work to the day and that is just mind blowing. Nobody has been able to duplicate […]