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Trump Acts Like Businessman At Last

There is no doubt that the feud between Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress has been astonishing. Even some Republicans support trying to impeach him thinking he will be a liability in 2018. Trump is responding like a businessman and not a politician, Many of his supporters hoped for this and voted for him to drain the […]

Trump is He His Own Worst Enemy?

QUESTION: You seem to have given up hope on Trump getting his agenda through Congress. Do you agree that the Trump presidency is a failure? BV ANSWER: There is no question that the powers that be are out to stop Trump at all costs. They are indeed winning. But Trump is his own worst enemy. […]

Trying to Force Trump to Resign

Quite honestly, the all out war on Trump from the very beginning has been constant. There is not a single thing he has done that is not turned into a scandal. His harsh talk against North Korea seemed to work and forced Kim to back off. Nevertheless, they said Trump was the antagonist and one […]

Special Counsel Looking to Blackmail Manafort Against Trump to Force Him to Resign

The special counsel  Robert S. Mueller III, who is leading the Russia inquiry against Trump, executed a search warrant at the Northern Virginia home of President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul J. Manafort, for tax documents and foreign banking records, according to a person familiar with the matter. Normally, Mueller would simply ask Mr. Manafort’s lawyers […]

Trump Forced to Dissolve Advisory Committees As Left Targets Businesses

The protesters in New York have succeeded in threatening any business that works with Trump. They targeted JP Morgan and Blackstone demanding they resign. This has manifested in Trump having to save face and he dissolved two advisory committees with group managers rather than have them resign under pressure. Trump said he had completed the work […]

Wall Street Banks Stunned At Trump’s Proposed Reform

  Trump’s economic consultant adviser, Gary Cohn, has declared a return to the separation system in the US banking system in effect restoring Glass-Steagall Act which dates from the 1930s and was adopted as a result of the Great Depression yet abolished in 1999 by the Clintons. Trump had already spoken during the election campaign […]

CNN Supporting North Korea v Trump?

While Kim Jong Un has met his match when it comes to rhetoric and CNN is doing its best for blaming Trump, despite Kim saying that Trump was “driving the situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war” with his continued rhetoric, it seems curious why CNN is taking Kim’s side. […]

Trump & Chaos

US President Donald Trump may be a good businessman, but in politics, he just does not get it. Politics is all about ego and back-stabbing. It is not about logic and the art of the deal. After just ten days in the office, Trump’s communications chief, Anthony Scaramucci has been forced to resign. The Chief […]

Browder – Russia – Trump – Safra

William Felix Browder is all over the news trying to play into the whole Russian/Trump affair muddling the waters. Browder founded Hermitage Capital to invest exclusively in Russian companies. Edmond Safra, the notorious banker who was the center of what was called the Money Plane, put in $25m of seed capital for Hermitage Capital and Safra’s Republic […]

Is Trump Draining or Filling the Swamp?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Trump appoint another ex-Goldman Sachs guy as the head of the SEC. Some say he is not draining the swamp but filling it. Care to comment? ANSWER: Walter J. “Jay” Clayton III firm where he worked represented Goldman but he did not work for Goldman. He comes from Sullivan & Cromwell, which represents just […]