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Russia Raises Taxes to Fund War

The people always lose in times of war. Vladimir Putin is looking to the Russian civilians to help fund the war that has lasted far longer than anticipated, thanks to Ukraine having backers with deep pockets. The flat tax rate of 13% that Putin implemented when he took over for Yeltsin in 2001 is being […]

Zelensky Secures $43B from NATO

The greatest salesman who ever lived scored big after the latest NATO summit. Ukraine’s Zelensky successfully convinced all NATO nations to pledge a collective $43 billion in funding to the never-ending war effort. These world leaders are openly willing to abandon their own nation’s economic needs in favor of Ukraine. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau […]

How To End Ukrainian War in 5 minutes

When Yugoslavia broke up, it did so along ethnic lines. This is why the West is waging World War III because they hate Russians when there is no difference here between Yugoslavia and Ukraine. The Donbas should have been allowed to separate, for that is the fundamental human right that the West is ignoring, claiming […]

Biden Ahead in Polls?

Joe Biden is surpassing rival Donald Trump in the polls by 7x, but not in America. Ukraine is eager to see a Joe Biden re-election as he is the only candidate who wants to continue sending the country billions upon billions in funding. The Counteroffensive/Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted the first poll questioning Ukrainians […]

RFK & Trump a Triumvirate Winning Ticket

Let’s face the facts. The position of Vice President is far from the limelight. Rarely do you hear about a Vice President making policy except to line their pockets, as Biden did in Ukraine. I am proposing a Triumvirate arrangement where the 2024 winning ticket would be for RFK Jr. to join Trump not as […]

Necons should be Tried for Treason

My sources have confirmed that not only did Russia make a stop in Cuba, but China is also present, and they are constructing spy installations to watch what is going to take place, especially with our elections. Most likely, they will put missiles in Cuba in retaliation for this Proxy War to conquer Russia. Guess […]

Drafting Males & Females for the Neocon’s War to Conquer Russia

Involuntary Draft for Males and Females Ages 18-26   The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2025, authorized a Mandatory Military Selective Service Act for American women. The selective service program is a way to implement a military draft for women in the USA. There have been some lawmakers who oppose this […]

Did Zelensky’s Wife Purchase Limited Edition Bugatti?

The nations toppling their budgets to provide blank checks to Ukraine should know where their money is being spent. We all know that a large portion of the money is circulated back into the military-industrial complex. Yet, the “greatest salesman in history” has certainly received his cut. Latest reports claim that First Lady Olena Zelenska […]

Neocons Still Trying to Create WWIII Before the Election

  As long as the West continues to allow the Neocons to control this war, then there will be no stopping World War III. These people have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons. These Neocons have waged endless wars since Vietnam. They had lied to the American public to justify their […]

Yellen Denies Food Inflation

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen once again is once again gas lighting the public to believe that the Biden Administration has inflation under control. When questioned about the rising prices at grocery stores, Yellen denied that prices have soared astronomically. “I think largely it reflects cost increases, including labor cost increases that grocery firms have experienced, […]