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Food Police in New York to Track Residents’ Consumption

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has unveiled one of the most intrusive plans to date. On track with the World Economic Forum, NYC plans to reduce food-based emissions by 33% by 2030 (Agenda 2030—look it up, people). The Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice wants the people to eat more plant-based meals and […]

Bank Failures – A Push for CBDC?

Monday saw the largest banking failure in the US since 2008 after First Republic went under, marking the third death of a US bank this year. Regulators took possession of the bank this Monday and JPMorgan Chase will acquire the majority of the bank’s assets and remaining deposits worth around $92 billion. First Republic Bank’s […]

The Great De-Dollarization

All we hear is the same claims that the dollar is dead and it will be totally worthless any day now. Over the last few weeks, all we hear from the majority now is that the dollar is finished. Virtually every page you turn or site you visit claims the death of the dollar. They […]

Yellen Admits Truth Behind the Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act has only increased inflation. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen came out and admitted the truth – the act’s entire premise is to push the climate change agenda forward. “The Inflation Reduction Act is, at its core, about turning the climate crisis into an economic opportunity,” Yellen admitted. It provided […]

French Protestors Target BlackRock

  @ ♬ – The pension reform protests in France grew to new proportions. Protesters have not allowed the government to silence them. On Thursday, over 100 people stormed BlackRock’s office in Paris and nearly burned it down. “The meaning of this action is quite simple. We went to the headquarters of BlackRock to tell […]

The 6th Wave – Do We Ever Learn?

QUESTION: Hi, Have you come across a period in history that at the end of the sixth wave, after the political system dies, during the next six waves, human mankind learned from its past errors and corrected it? ANSWER: Actually, the answer is NO. The fall of the Minoan Civilization brought in a dark age […]

Trump & the Risk of an Indictment

  QUESTION #1: Marty, What is going on over there in America? It looks like the country has completely lost its mind. Indicting Trump over such a stupid thing when our politicians over here have open mistresses and in France, you have the head of state who married his high school teacher. How about Berlusconi […]

Are Brenner & Kondratieff Waves Valid in Commodities?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I have been reading you since your handwritten and from memory letters were getting out from your incarceration. You are truly an amazing man sir. I realize that both the Kondratieff and the Brenner cycles are mostly just coincidental to market cycles today but my question is are both the Kondratieff and […]

Brenner & Kondratieff Waves v Economic Confidence Model

COMMENT: Marty, I began following you in 1985. That is when everyone was using the Kondratieff Wave and admitted it averaged 45 to 60 years. They were all predicting another Great Depression. You were the only one right back then as well. I remember your advertisement in the Economist saying a new Private Wave was […]

US National Debt – A Different Perspective

In 2010, Barron’s wrote a piece on me effectively laughing at my forecast that the share market would rally to new highs. What seems to inevitably unfold is this notion that whatever the event might be in motion, the mere thought of a reversal in trend appears impossible. When the press disagrees with Socrates, I […]