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See You Next Month?

See you in precisely one month at the London Economic Confidence Model Seminar! Can’t attend in person? Keep reading to learn about our virtual ticket option. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey as we count down to an unforgettable experience in the heart of London! Following a hiatus since 2019, we are thrilled to […]

Democrats Indicting 18 Republicans in Arizona For Claiming Trump Won 2020

We now have another Democrat screwing with the 2024 election to ensure they win. Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes manipulated a grand jury in Arizona on Wednesday, indicting 18 Republicans with conspiracy, fraud, and forgery for submitting a document to Congress “falsely” declaring that Donald Trump beat Joe Biden in Arizona during the 2020 presidential […]

Canadian Govt Offers Vaccine Victim Suicide as Compensation for Paralysis

Kayla Pollock, 37, was a healthy woman from Ontario with no medical issues. Everything changed with Kayla took the Moderna mRNA experimental vaccine on January 11, 2022. Four days later, she collapsed and could lost feeling in her legs. Her doctor suggested she see a neurologist. Kayla woke up one morning in February and was […]

Imagine Waking from an 8-Year Coma – Reflections from the Last ECM Wave

The year 2015 was not long ago, and yet the entire world economy has changed. Central banks mismanaged monetary policy through arbitrarily low interest rates and continuous printing to appease the bigger issue—fiscal policy. Fiscal policies are all but nonexistent in most of the modern world, and government spending has become one of the largest […]

The Middle East – The Coming War of Wars

QUESTION: Many people who are Jewish and Christian would love to destroy the Dome of the Rock. We hear Christian zealots pushing this event to bring about the Second Coming and Armageddon. Does Socrates show anything on this subject? Do you plan an update on your Middle East War Report? It’s been almost ten years, […]

Opening Your Eyes or Remain as the Fool on the Hill

COMMENT: I just had to say thank you. I kept a copy of your private post What Are the Markets Telling Us? from FEBRUARY 24, 2024. Your model called for a high in January, the false move to retest support in February, and a resumption of the trend into April. You have taught me so […]

The Eclipse of ’24 – Good or Bad Omen?

  Since ancient times, eclipses and comets have been omens of good and bad events. The Babylonian priests saw the connection between geopolitical events on Earth and the movement of the stars in the heavens and gave birth to astrology. But they also could see the cycles in everything and were rather good at predicting […]

Blinken Pushing Ukraine into NATO to Start WWIII

  Blinken says that Ukraine will be joining NATO, and the Article of NATO clearly states that nobody can join NATO who is at war. Blinken knows that Ukraine is about to fall, so he is pushing that to hell with the rules; NATO must accept Ukraine now so that they can declare World War […]

Can Socrates Predict the Lottery?

  Can Socrates predict the lottery? We ran tests on that probably 30 years ago, and the results were interesting. No matter what it is, there is always a cycle. You cannot predict the lottery number as a whole, for the possible variables are tremendous. In the past few years, we have seen continual advertisements […]

A Blast from the Past

  PEI1990 Capital Flows COMMENT: Marty, I was cleaning out my office. I get around to once every 31.4 years. I found your report that was controversial back in 1990. You were at war against the fundamentalists who were always getting it wrong, as they still do today. I scanned it in and thought you […]