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Gold & the Dow

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a question for your Blog . Do we need a falling dollar, like today, to see Gold rise? Thank you SH Germany ANSWER: No. When the majority begin to see that the government is really in trouble, gold will rise with stocks as they did going into 1980 as well as […]

The Declining Level of Confidence in Govt. & Gold

QUESTION:  Martin, You have said on multiple occasions, that gold will only rise when the Market loses confidence in the Gov’t.This Mid-Benchmark Rally you note here in this this a temporary blip???, temporary rally???, that will still pop and go bust to the low side??? Or are people losing Confidence in Gov’t now??? is […]

Gold on Track for the Mid-Benchmark Rally

Gold is slowly and begrudgingly moving to test the key resistance. We need a weekly closing ABOVE 1143 to push higher. The band of resistance begins at the 1156 level followed by 1170, 1175, 1184 and 1208. Only a weekly closing above 1208 would hint at a more sustained rally. The directional change we had […]

More Delusional Gold Theories?

1931 COMMENT: Every gold analyst says you are wrong and that gold stocks rose during the Great Depression as the only hedge. Would you care to comment. I bet not. REPLY: Some of these people are not interested in the truth, and quite frankly, deserve what they will get. Why are they always so nasty? […]

Gold/Oil Ratio: Is It Really Making Record Highs?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Mining ran a chart of the gold/oil ratio pointing out that conventional wisdom has placed the two together on the theory that rising oil prices push up inflation increasing demand for gold as a hedge. You have stated gold is not a hedge against inflation and you appear to be correct with […]

Gold: The Bounce

Naturally, the gold promoters are out in full force. The problem with their theories has always been that they are dead wrong. The REAL BULL MARKET will see the metals rise with equities. Right now, the promoters are focused on the stock market and yell, “Buy gold!” because a depression is here. We need to […]

Goldman Sachs Fined $5 Billion but is Still Above the Law

Goldman Sachs is finally paying a price (money) for the role it played in the 2007 mortgage scandal, but of course, nobody is going to jail, which proves that Goldman remains above the law. The Wall Street firm agreed to only a civil settlement of up to $5 billion with federal prosecutors and regulators arising from its marketing and selling […]

Trump vs. Cruz & Goldman Sachs

They are now playing “Born in the USA” at Trump rallies to distinguish him from Cruz who was born in Canada. The real issue that Cruz will not address head-on is the revelation in the New York Times that Cruz failed to properly disclose large loans he received during his senate campaign. Trump brought up the issue, but in a […]

Gold – No Time Left for Conspiracy Theories

To some, this is a religious battle. To others, it is just a time to rip off a lot of people by selling fantasies and sophistry. I have stated this many times, so here it goes again: Gold rises when people lose confidence in government. It has nothing to do with inflation. So, you start […]

What Would Goldman Sachs Do If It Lost Both Parties?

According to a New Hampshire poll released by Monmouth University Poll Institute on Tuesday, Bernie Sanders has 53% support compared to Clinton’s 39%, and Martin O’Malley is in third place at 5%. Meanwhile, Trump soars well ahead of everyone else and Bush collapsed to 4%. This begs the question: What will Goldman Sachs do if it does not […]