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The Monetary Reform of 1857 Ends Legal Tender Foreign Coins

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I found in my grandmother’s belongings a penny from 1855 and one from 1857 which was much smaller and silver in appearance. Was there also a monetary reform that changed the coinage during the 1850s? PK ANSWER: Oh yes. But it is far more interesting than meets the eye. Foreign coins were […]

Rising Interest Rates

While the stock market crashed as the pundit looked in their bag to try to come up with an excuse, they blamed rising inflation and interest rates. Yet, nobody is really paying attention to the underlying trend. The cost of carrying debt has been rising gradually and there are noticeable measurable impacts that the pundits are […]

Conflict between Fiscal & Monetary Policy

We are moving into a crisis of monumental proportions. There has been a serious fundamental problem infecting economic policy on a global scale. This conflict has been between monetary and fiscal policy. While central banks engaged in Quantitative Easing, governments have done nothing but reap the benefits of low-interest rates. This is the problem we have with […]

VIX Losses Feeding Collapse

QUESTION: I have heard first hand from some significant players that do speaking engagements for very large pension funds that a product was being offered to the pension funds as a yield enhancer that was based around selling the VIX.   First off, why would anyone trust a product that is being offered by a big […]

Euro – Capital Flows or Speculation?

QUESTION: Is the euro really going up on capital inflows or speculation leverage? ANSWER: We are not picking up any real net capital outflows from the USA to Europe. It appears to be speculation on the currency markets in anticipation of higher interest rates coming down the line. But real capital has not begun to move […]

The Shifting Trends in Germany

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Thank you very much for opening my eyes to what is going on in the world. As you well know the public here in Germany is not informed about any problems concerning pensions, banks, economy or trade whatsoever, so most of the people I have spoken to are convinced that “we have never […]

The Trump Tax Cut, the Pass-Through, & Multinationals

The Trump Tax Reform is a very major deal. There are seven brackets in today’s individual tax code. The Senate version of the Trump Reform is not a windfall for the rich lowering their bracket from 39.6% to just 38.5%. The seven tax brackets currently are: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%.  Changes […]

Politicians & Kicking the Can Down the Road

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thank you for replying to my earlier question about The Crash & No Bid. It as very insightful towards the mechanics of markets. I have a new question for you regarding how Politicians “kick the can” as long as they can expecting the next people in line to pick up the tab… and […]

Bank Insurance Clarification – A contagion eliminates all Rules!

The entire banking insurance schemes created during the aftermath of the Great Depression, are predicated upon an ASSUMPTION that a bank failure is a single isolated event. The contingency plan for a wide-scale banking collapse will default to a “per person” basis despite what anyone else says. I have been in meetings and that is […]

Remaining EU Member will have to pay 15% More upon BREXIT

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; All the news here in Britain is always how bad it will be if we leave the extortion ring in Brussels. You have mentioned that we are the biggest market for German cars. What will Brexit do to the EU? Thanks GD ANSWER: Once the British exit from the EU “extortion” ring as […]