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Madoff – Hiding the Real Fraud

COMMENT: I know you saved Mercedes making back their $1 billion lost all because they listened to the fake news about how the pound and the dollar would crumble in the face of the euro. I read the 2011 Barron’s article on your forecast. It was OK to publish that when they thought you would […]

Lancet Joins the Fake News Crowd?

  COMMENT: I think fake news is global and it definitely appears to be some sort of international manipulation of society. Here in Germany, it might be worse than there across the pond. We have fake news over COVID, now hiding the vaccine injury crisis. The press has its agenda. I guess they are like […]

Davos 2023 – the A Threat to the Entire World?

  QUESTION: Marty, I think Schwab’s great reset is all about your 2032. He seems to be a Socrates subscriber and is just trying to manipulate the outcome in his direction. What do you think? Joe ANSWER: I know, Many people have noticed this trend. This is coming up more and more. Back in 1983/1984, […]

The Real-World

COMMENT: Marty,   Your point about foreign money buying US assets and then adding back money to domestic circulation is quite profound. The inflows from Asia, the Middle East, and Europe are enormous. These monies had to come from somewhere. They were a result of globalization, accumulating dollar assets offshore, or having to convert their […]

Beware the Plot Behind Interest Rates

  Sometimes you need to look behind the curtain before you understand the real trend. It is true that Federal Reserve officials are committed to fighting inflation and expect higher interest rates to remain in place until more progress is made, according to minutes released from the central bank’s December meeting. Also what has been […]

Federal Reserve & Misconceptions

There is an onslaught of misinformation about the Federal Reserve from everything that it can go bankrupt, and the Treasury will become a second central bank, and of course, the Fed is really the cause of inflation and its balance sheet. The proposal by Janet Yellen to buy in long-term debt and swap it with […]

The Untold Backdrop to Jeffrey Epstein

  Epstein was clearly involved in one of the biggest honey traps probably in history. They have been using girls/women to blackmail powerful people for decades. They tried that even with John F. Kennedy and they successfully got control of Edgar Hoover. You can read Whitney Webb’s One Nation Under Blackmail. This has been going […]

Socrates v Me

QUESTION: I have been following Socrates for quite a while. It certainly seems to provide the long-term view quite reliably. You said it has taught you. So I take it that is why it is AI because you did not precisely code it to do these things? WK ANSWER: I created Socrates to monitor everything. […]

Market Talk – December 16, 2022

ASIA: Uncertainty facing the global economy next year will exacerbate challenges at home for China, economists in Beijing say, while urging swift support to help counter external headwinds. As the risk of global recession looms, China should stay alert to turbulence in international markets and the potential of another financial crisis, said former vice-finance minister […]

The Hypocrisy Behind the Vaccines

COMMENT: Am I just outright stupid, or is something seriously wrong with the majority of people? Bill Gates had his summit on overpopulation and how this is a serious crisis. Yet then he claims he can reduce disease and save the population with vaccines. Gates especially seems to want to save humanity which he on the […]