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Federalist v Anti-Federalist / Vaccinated v Anti-Vaccinated

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for all you do and all your hard work! I have a question I was hoping you would comment on. I have been trying to wrap my head around the hows (not the whys) of the absurd consequences of this plandemic.  What it reminds me of is the fight between the Federalists […]

Why there will be NO Hyperinflation

With all the hype about inflation and those who keep pressing for hyperinflation, it is sad to say that they neither understand history nor even what is hyperinflation. While people point to Germany or Zimbabwe as examples and harp on the central banks creating money, they then conclude the other dollar will turn to dust and the only survivor will be gold. In truth, never has the core economy has gone into hyperinflation and all peripheral economies survive. For the dollar to turn to dust, the entire rest of the world must go first. The US has the largest single debt, but it also has the largest economy. Even COVID has shown the difference whereas the head of state can just close down the entire country but in the United States, the president does not have that same power. The political difference is huge and the superficial analysis of inflation is really a joke. Most of these theories date back to the time when money was simply a coin. If one nation debased and others did not, the exchange rates were based solely on the metal content. Those days are long gone and the backing of a currency today is based entirely on its economic power which is its people. You can have all the resources in the world, but if corruption is so great as in Russia, then that has no bearing on its currency. Both Japan and Germany rose from the ashes of WWII without any gold reserves but they had their people who were highly productive. Updating the reality of hyperinflation and what we truly face is long overdue.



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The Great Reset 2021

While many have desperately tried to call the Great Reset a conspiracy theory like the New York Times, that term was created and has been marketed by Kaus Schwab's World Economic Forum. Today, it seems whatever they try to label conspiracy theory is becoming a label of truth and censorship. This scheme has been marketed as the solution for the future claiming the people want equality (Communism) when in fact it has been just propaganda intended to cover up the fact that after issuing debt with no intention of ever repaying that debt since 1945, the decades of fiscal mismanagement is coming to a crisis point. When they say you will own nothing and be happy, all they are doing is trying to make you feel that they are doing this for you - not for themselves. This report looks more closely at the objectives behind this Great Reset that everyone should know.


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The Next US & World Civil War

This special report dives into the history and what comes to the surface may shock a lot of people. The US Constitution was ratified only by the tyranny of the majority. The vote was 39 out of 70 delegates and the issue was clearly federal v state rights. The divisions that have formed countries throughout the centuries remain the same. The issues may appear to change such as slavery or religion, but those dividing lines are never erased. What comes together by force, will never last. What was before, will always unfold again but for different reasons. There are some nations that are East v West as in Canada and Australia. In most others, the division was North v South as we still see not just in Ireland, but in Germany, Italy, and certainly the United States. This division of vaccinated v unvaccinated is still the same issue of state's rights. What has been attempted once more is the tyranny of the majority and that never provides any long-term solution.



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Botswanan Covid Task Force: New Variant Only Found in Vaccinated Individuals

(Click on image for higher resolution) On November 25, the Botswanan COVID-19 Task Force reported four new cases of the COVID variant B.1.1.529. All four cases were detected in travelers through routine PCR testing. They noted something interesting about all four cases: “The preliminary report revealed that all four had been fully vaccinated for COVID-19.” […]

Grasping the Future Unfolding Before Our Eyes

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, I write to you somewhat often. Never get a response on the blog. I was hoping you could respond to this one question to put my mind and the mind of other Americans at peace. It is clear that Europe is falling to the Covid tyranny. You say that “they” will […]

Diagnosis: Climate Change

For the first time in history, a doctor has diagnosed a patient with the ailment of “climate change.” A Canadian doctor from British Columbia treated a patient with asthma, diabetes, and heart failure who was struggling to breathe after wildfires in the Kootenays region. Dr. Kyle Merritt officially diagnosed the patient as suffering from “climate […]

North Korea On the Brink of Famine

We recently reported that there is a cycle to famine. Sadly, the hermit kingdom of North Korea is no stranger to starvation due to the mass human rights abuses carried out by their government in addition to unfavorable weather. Business Insider recently reported that the country has resorted to breeding black swans to provide a […]

A 10-Year-Old Explains the Importance of the Constitution

(click on image for better resolution and full essay) Ten-year-old Lee Ellis understands the US Constitution and freedom better than most adults and nearly all politicians. “Did you know that ‘We the People’ means everyone? The rich, the poor, the young, the old, whites, blacks, men, and women are all a part of ‘We the […]

The Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Delay

(Nord Stream Pipeline) European Union leaders are scrambling for solutions to the energy crisis, but their feared friend from the East has reminded them that a solution exists. According to the Associated Press, gas prices in the EU have spiked to 95 euros from about 19 euros per megawatt-hour in the past year. Around 90% […]