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Market Talk – July 20, 2015

No matter whom we spoke to today, the focus of the conversation has been on gold’s spectacular fall. There are many rumors floating around from China off-loading because wrong storage figures were released, to a large spec investor who sold 6 tonnes and has taken a huge loss on a leveraged trade! Whatever the excuse, we woke […]

Understanding Arrays & Time

One confusing aspect that people encounter is when a Time Straddle takes place on the Arrays. A Time Straddle occurs when the target in time straddles two weeks, months, quarters, or years. Sometimes it is simply a split, as in gold for 2011/2012, where we achieved the intraday high in 2011 and the highest annual closing in 2012. A Time […]

Farage on Europe at the Heritage Foundation

Nigel Farage may be the only practical politician these days because he came from the trading sector. He explains the Euro-Project and its failures. He makes it clear that the Greek people never voted to enter the euro, and explains that it was forced upon them by Goldman Sachs and their politicians. Nigel also explains […]

Market Talk – July 16, 2015

Yesterday, dealers spent most of the day waiting for the Greek vote and then, later in the day, Janet Yellen’s semi-annual HH (Humphrey Hawkins) testimony in front of the House Financial Services Committee. The Greek vote was rather well publicized throughout the day and confirmation that the measures would be accepted should be no huge surprise. With […]

The Long Depression – the First Great Depression

What actually constitutes the Long Depression has been debatable, for at first it was called the Great Depression, and then that title was transferred to the 1930s. Consequently, some limit the term Long Depression to the worldwide price recession beginning in 1873 and running through the spring of 1879. Six years is not exactly a “long” depression, that in […]

Hillary Will Not Reform Banks

Hours after Hillary Clinton vowed to crackdown on Wall Street, by no means will she reverse what she and her husband did in repealing Glass-Steagall. Hillary’s adviser comes from none other than Goldman Sachs, who some call the modern day Rothschilds. If Hillary is elected, she will be perhaps far more corrupt than just about […]

The Truth About the 1933 U.S. Banking Holiday

Herbert Hoover’s memoirs (1951) documents the fact that Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) played a very dirty game of politics. There were rumors that FDR would confiscate gold. These rumors spread and people ran to banks to withdraw their funds. The night before the election in 1932, FDR denied that he would do such a thing. […]

The TRUMP Card

Why is Donald Trump #2 in the polls? This very interesting trend illustrates what our computer has been forecasting for 2016. While Trump is inside the Republican Party, he is acting like a Third Party candidate. He is rising in the polls because of his stance on illegal aliens. That is a common problem everywhere […]

Money is Irrelevant – Deal With the Issue Directly

QUESTION: I understand austerity is self defeating and crippling, but is there any other way to constrain elected officials from driving into unsustainable public debt as they pander for votes and campaign support?………or must we just go through periodic sovereign debt bubbles? and i understand austerity protects the bondholders at the expense of the people [the […]

How Much Cash Should One Have Outside of the Banks?

QUESTION: How much cash should one have? ANSWER: No institution is safe for all can be closed by decree, including credit unions. This is true of safe deposit boxes as well. They may not confiscate it, but they can deny access. PLAN B should be an amount of cash that is enough to live on for at […]