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Market Talk – August 5, 2015

With the exception of the bond sell-off yesterday, the markets behaved reasonably well – even in thin summer trading. This comes after Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart’s comments that the Fed is poised to raise rates. Today, we saw a mixed Asian session for equities with both the Nikkei and HSI ending with small gains (+0.45%) whilst the […]

Hedging vs. Trading – What Really Makes the Low?

The lack of understanding with respect to market development is astonishing. The gold promoters desperately continue to argue that demand is somehow rising for physical coins, so somehow the prices are not real. At the bottom of markets, fresh buying NEVER causes the low — it is short-covering — END OF STORY. As we move into lower prices, mining […]

Socrates Report

Socrates will provide three primary levels of service: Investor, Trader, and Institutional. The distinguishing factors are designed based upon needs. We will have the overall outlook and trend for the Investor; the Trader will have access to timing and price target objectives as well. At the Institutional level, we will provide portfolio construction, asset allocation, and two […]

2015 Precious Metals Report – Coming Soon

We are preparing the new Precious Metals Report for 2015, covering the low and the potential for a future rally. The price will be $500 and each report will include a watermark with your name to ensure that this report remains exclusive, rather than on the front page of every newspaper or blog. This report […]

Why the Politicians are Laughing – Hillary’s Unapologetic Corruption

According to the Wall Street Journal, total donations by UBS to the Clinton Foundation grew from less than $60,000 at the end of 2008 to approximately $600,000 by the end of 2014. The Wall Street Journal reports that the bank also lent $32 million through entrepreneurship and inner city loan programs that it launched in association […]

Greenspan & Programming

Greenspan wrote rudimentary programs on a punch a card. This form of programming predates computers. This recording medium allowed one to code the notes to a song on a cylinder, and music would play as the cylinder revolved. This was the forerunner to punch cards used in early computers to input data and run a […]

Diamonds: The Wild Card

We received a lot of e-mails regarding the collapse in diamond prices, which is closely correlating with gold without bank manipulations. This is part of the deflationary trend and the 2011 high was on target for the reaction high. The 37-year target could produce a cycle inversion with a high instead of a low. That would line […]

What About Diamonds?

The diamond market has never been close to the insane levels reached during the investment boom, which peaked in 1980. Diamonds entered a 37-year bear market, which often follows such a major Phase Transition. This warns that we could still see the final major low unfold in 2016 on an annual closing basis, and 2017 […]

Market Talk – July 27, 2015

Asia saw a dramatic 8.5% collapse today, and London began their session today looking at Asia. European futures were all obviously lower and did not look back from the open. The U.S. session accelerated the fall that strengthened the recent flight to quality by helping to cement the ultimate peak in government debt in short-term rates. […]

Buy the Rumor and Sell the News

The more people open their minds and observe our model, the more their eyes open and begin to see the how the world economy is interconnected. Our model on the Dow pinpointed a high for the week of July 20 with a Directional Change and a two-week trend into the first week of August. Curiously […]