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Can We Help Greece?

A slew of emails have been coming in asking if we would help Greece if they leave the euro. ABSOLUTELY YES! This week we have people in Athens meeting as I write, offering at this stage an informal proposal should the people vote to leave the euro. This would be the GREATEST of all events that would not merely […]

World in Review: The Greek Tragedy Continues to Set the Tone

  The Greek drama of Greek Tragedy continues with a rumored agreement to continue the stimulus in return for promised reforms, only to have Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announce a surprise referendum on July 5 after June 30, which puts the IMF payment into default. Late last week EurAsia group’s Ian Bremmer remained confident […]

Supreme Court Upholds Same Sex Marriage

There is probably no other decision that could stir the fires in the Republican Party to further the SPLIT than this decision, despite the fact that it is legally correct. You cannot deny gays equal rights without surrendering your own, for that is how the law really works. If you say a black cannot vote, then that […]

What We Cannot Say Publicly – Do We Hold Back?

QUESTION: Marty, everyone is starting to say there is a big crash coming now in October. I have attended your conference since the early 1990s. You always say the majority cannot be right. My question is this. Obviously, when I look closely they are not saying what you have been saying. There are differences. Even […]

Time for a Change in Reasoning

I receive a lot of emails questioning how our forecasts can be so correct on everything, from gold and stocks, to politics and the economy. I have stated all along that EVERYTHING is connected. The reason people have been wrong on the metals, inflation, and debt is because they focus only on that one particular sector and […]

Socrates Examples of Questions

HELP: Questions must be in proper English form. For example, “WHERE IS”, “WHAT ARE”, “PLEASE LIST”, “DO YOU SEE ANY PATTERNS”, etc. You must also specify the level as daily, weekly, out to yearly. In addition, please specify the market, such as Gold or the Australian 10-year bonds. You may inquire as to DOWNTREND, UPTREND, full […]

Market Talk

Today we are seeing some large price/percentage moves in many markets, which is something we should all start to accept as the new norm for the second half of this year moving forward. Rumours started Sunday of Tspiras’s new proposal and the markets took it all at face value! DAX at best was up 3.5%; ASX closed […]

Monday’s EU Summit & Troika’s Misguided View of Greece

The summit held Monday of the new superheroes, known as the Euro-Rescuers, are lost in the canyons of their own minds for they do not comprehend how the economy functions in the least. They just cannot see the problem for they lack a mirror and will never question themselves as a problem. Consequently, the same line of thinking […]

The Revolution Around the World Will Not Be Televised

COMMENT: Hey Marty, Hope you are well. The Spanish police are crazy – they now stop all cars (including taxis) at night on the road out of town to make sure people are not drunk.. good idea you might say, but they are actually checking the passengers and ‘fining’ them if they have had one […]

Understanding How Things Must Function

QUESTION: I can follow the reasoning for some of the capital flows into the U.S. now and a bit longer. But eventually much of this capital is going to leave the U.S. correct? Besides some off the grid investing, is China and Asia looking like the most promising economies to attract the future change in […]