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“Men Willingly Believe What They Wish to Believe” – Julius Caesar

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.” “Men willingly believe what they wish to believe.” Conspiracy theories have been going on for more than a millennium. Indeed, people believe what they want to believe. No matter what evidence you put forth that can be verified about Hillary, there are people who just want her to win […]

Greece 2017 – Sovereign Debt Cycle

There is the old saying “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” refers to the story of the Trojan Horse. Yet in Eastern Europe, because of the defaults of the Byzantine Empire onward, the long-standing saying was that someone was “Bankrupt like Greece.” The two countries who are serial defaulters in Europe are France and Spain. The Spanish […]

Metals Still Pointing Down

The precious metals are still pointing lower into our Benchmark targets. Indeed, the hunt for money by government is becoming so severe we may see the second Benchmark complete the decline, rather than the first. So be prepared for that development. The hedge funds are starting to sell again, keeping in sync with the charts. […]

Market Talk

Today was a very busy day for most assets classes. First there was news over weekend that S&P may look unkindly on the UK over Brexit issue (cable was weaker than euro but is recovering towards the end of the day). Greece, never out of the news, despite weekends, has been on your screens all […]

The 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta – a Tax Revolt Against the Abuse of Government

QUESTION:  Hello Martin, I enjoy reading your articles on historical events.  It is a refreshing change from mainstream media’s spin. It will be 800 years on the 15th June since the signing of the Magna Carta here in the UK.  I would be very interested on your views of this document and what value its […]

The Foundation of Everything – Not Just a Theory of Everything

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I too have spent my entire life in Physics. You must get this Geometry of Time finished. I concur what you have done is solved the Rubik’s Cube of the Universe. This is incredibly important for the real world as a whole and how everything functions. Truly amazing. WK   REPLY: OK. It […]

So Why Are Bankers Never Personally Criminally Charged?

In the latest scandal where five major banks agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for manipulating the foreign exchange rates of the U.S. dollar and euro, only the corporations were changed ­– not the bankers – be they traders or executives. The banks were Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase, […]

Is S&P Playing Dirty Games With Ratings Again?

Rating Agencies Testify Before Congress for their AAA-Ratings after 2007 S&P has issued a warning of a UK downgrade if it exits the EU. Quite frankly, we have reviewed the trade flows and this is purely politics; it is certainly not beyond the possibility that S&P is being told what to do and say, just as they […]

Back Testing the Arrays

Here is the Array compile January 9, 1980. We can see that this picked January 21 as the high with a back to back Directional Change. That morning, Gold opened up limit at $875 on the spot closing at $850 after falling to $831. It had been just $597 at the low the week of […]

Administrative Law Judge Confirm Corruption Inside CFTC Courts

There are those who may think I criticize the courts too much, or that the Administrative Legal System corruption may be a personal opinion. Now, even the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Administrative Law Judge, George Painter, recognized the corruption in his own court system. Painter sent a scolding letter announcing his retirement highlighting the […]