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Bilderberg Meeting: June 11-14 in Austria

Here are the participants for the Bilderberg meeting over the weekend in Tirol, June 11-14. Bilderberg is named after a hotel chain where the first meeting took place  May 29-31, 1954, in Netherlands. As the G7 summit of the Seven Dwarfs closes, another opens. Thursday sees the start of the influential Bilderberg policy conference, which will be held […]

NERVA Countermarks on Roman Imperial Coinage (NCAPR)

Nerva (96-98AD) (NCAPR) Counterstamps on Roman Bronze Coinage The countermark on Roman Imperial bronze coinage NCAPR is most likely “Nerva Caesar Augustus Probavit”. This hypothesis is supported by the existence of this countermark found on coinage issued originally under Vespasian. What happened to a bronze coin after it was issued depended the economics of the era and the […]

Money, Credit, Debt, and Derivatives

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; Reading through you blog it seems the chronology of money begins with derivatives, credit/debt, and barter with coinage coming in much later in the historical record. You have traced the workings of the business cycle back further than anyone else. Am I correct in what I have pieced together reading your blog […]

China Tea Brick Money

Many have heard the saying: “I wouldn’t go there or do something for all the tea in China.”  While some assumed this referred to some huge quantity, it actually stems back in time to a value similar to gold or metal used for money. Where metal had some utility value, such as bronze, which could […]

Strange Deaths Surrounding Wall Street

Thomas J. Hughes, a 29-year-old investment banker allegedly took his life by jumping from a luxury apartment building at 1 West Street in Manhattan last week. Per usual, the NYPD immediately declared it a suicide. Strangely, serious investigations never took place and similar deaths have occurred within the past 18 months all declared suicides. Wall […]

The Link Between Inflation & Interest Rates

QUESTION: Hi Marty, The reason central banks like to have inflation, is because they get to reduce the effective value of their respective national debts over time. I do not know why there is a link between inflation and interest rates, which is assumed in BB’s remarks. Is there any basis for that ? Regards […]

Why Negative Interest Rates Invite a Dark Age

The quest to eliminate cash is all about Negative Interest Rates for as long as cash exists, people would withdraw their money from banks and stuff it in a shoe-box. They use Japan as the argument that virtual zero interest rates for 20 years failed to produce inflation. Hence, their reasoning is you must go […]

VELOCITY of Money Below Great Depression Levels

The New York banks have been my adversary, to say the least. Alan Cohen, the court receiver put in charge of running Princeton Economics, was simultaneously on the board of directors of Goldman Sachs. When the SEC said the contempt should end, Cohen lied to the court to keep the contempt going, without even receiving […]

Ancient Merchant Banking – the House of Lucius Caecilius Jucundus – the Banker of Pompeii

  Merchant Banking is where banks always began throughout history. Trading in the various commodities and engaging in import/export was the path to wealth from ancient times to the present. The takeover of Wall Street came from the commodity side where traders were born. It began with the Gold broker house of PhiBro who took […]

The Coming Cashless Society

You are now watching newspapers, TV shows, and other forms of media preparing for the coming cashless society. This is a marketing campaign, and may indeed be what October 1, 2015 is all about – 2015.75. I doubt that the USA will be able to move to a cashless society as easily as Europe. The […]