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This Time It Is Different

For years, I have warned that we will face our worst nightmare – the collapse of socialism. In the death throes of this abomination that even the Ten Commandments listed as a serious sin, equal to “thou shalt not kill”, government will become the ugly beast that will devour society to retain power. Of course, […]

Deflation – When Will It End?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, It is CRYSTAL clear that your call for a deflationary cycle has been right on the mark. No one else saw it coming. The changes that are part of this were not as visible even a few years ago like they are now. (Of course they were to you!) I can see […]

Alternative Bonds

I have received a lot of emails about how the gold bugs have now adopted the ECM date for the turn in gold and how governments are planning to roll out alternative financing of debt. India plans to issue a gold backed bond, and last Wednesday the state of Saxony-Anhalt issued its first dollar bond […]

It’s All Connected – Just Open Your Eyes

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I must say your analysis of the dow for the last six months is simply mind blowing. Everything you said has been accurate. You are right that most will not get what your saying because they are stuck in a linear world – not a dynamic world. You did say markets would churn […]

PERRY v. UNITED STATES, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)

PERRY v. UNITED STATES, 294 U.S. 330 (1935) 294 U.S. 330 PERRY v. UNITED STATES. No. 532. Argued Jan. 10, 11, 1935. Decided Feb. 18, 1935. [294 U.S. 330, 333] Mr. John M. Perry, of New York City, for Perry. [294 U.S. 330, 341] Messrs. Homer S. Cummings, Atty. Gen., and Angus D. MacLean, Asst. […]

Fractional v Transactional Banking

It is amazing how some people still do not understand. Some of the nasty comments we receive typically talk about gold, arguing that gold is money – nothing else – and I am dead wrong for saying that fractional banking is not the greatest evil. Example: “You talk about transitional banking that is wrong, I […]

Four Banks Plead Criminally Guilty to Currency Manipulation

Back in 1999, I stood up in court and objected Alan Cohen’s demands for my lawyers to turn over tapes of conversations I recorded to protect me as a journalist when I was writing about the various bank manipulations. I told Judge Richard Owen that those tapes revealed criminal activity by the major banks in […]

Hillary Clinton’s Lucrative Life of Crime

It is very interesting how outside of the U.S. people see Hillary for who she really is What is really interesting is that outside the USA, everyone sees Hillary for what she really is — a greedy politician. Of course, MSNBC would never say a bad word against Hillary for she walks on water. When […]

“The Forecaster” Now Moving to Feature Film

This has really been an amazing tour. The response in Europe has been at blockbuster levels, to the point that they are now going to turn “The Forecaster” into a feature film portrayed by actors. The level of people who now are grasping that there is a huge problem, set in motion by Clinton’s repeal […]

Rothschild’s Famous Quote Likely Made-Up

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” This popular quote is often attributed to Mayer Rothschild. However, it is most likely a fake, despite being directly quoted in “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, further demonstrating my point that this book is way too biased and not […]