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The Father of the European Union – The Real Mover & Shaker Behind the Curtain

Most people have never heard of the real man behind the curtain who inspired the whole idea of the European Union, probably because his books are only in German. They certainly do not realize that his idea was to stop the inbreeding within Europe by mixing people and races to create the United States of […]

BREXIT – Sterling & Euro

Based on the fact that the majority of big money trades fundamentally, we should expect the overall trend of the euro to rally against the pound. We can see that the euro has been strong, rising sharply, and we may yet see a further rally. Keep in mind that the LONG-TERM projections are bearish for […]

BREXIT Polls at 55% – Will the Euro Crash & Burn?

We provided this chart in our BREXIT Report which says it all. For all the scare mongering how Britain will be worse off if it leaves the EU, this chart demonstrates how the politicians are lying. Britain has seen only declining economic growth since it joined the EU and these are the British government’s own […]

Schäuble Says Europe Needs More Refugees to Prevent Inbreeding

German Finance Minister Schäuble is touted to replace Merkel. Like other politicians of his age, he too is just in a state of denial. Despite the fact that 2/3 of Germans are fed up with Merkel over the immigration issue, Schäuble is calling for more immigration into Europe. Otherwise, Europe will “degenerate into [an] inbred” continent. Once a […]

European State of the Union Through the Eyes of a 23-Year-Old

I happened to have a conversation with someone from Portugal who was neither a trader nor an investor, just an observant 23-year-old. When I asked for her take on the state of affairs in Europe, she candidly replied: “Yes, there are groups of people who expect civil war. Actually, the situation in Europe at this moment is […]

Euro – June 9, 2016

As the BREXIT vote nears, capital is starting to jockey for position. The euro has made an outside reversal far to the downside on a daily basis, and it is now likely that the week of May 30th will see the highest weekly closing at 11362. At the time of this posting, the euro has […]

BREXIT Report – The Fate of Britain & Europe

On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This is an incredibly important vote for it will determine the fate of, not just Britain, but Europe as a whole.

This vote will decide the fate of Britain and Europe, and will directly impact the trend in global currencies that will impact the United States and the fate of the dollar.

Market Update Dow – Euro – Gold

We have provided a Market update for the May closing today in the Euro, gold, and the Dow

Third Parties Rising Throughout Europe

This is what happens when politicians think they are smarter than the great unwashed whom they rule over. They lack common sense on every possible level. The rise of third parties is a reality and our computer has been spot on with this forecast for 2016. It accomplished this forecast by simply doing what government […]

Dollar Rally on Capital Flight from Europe

COMMENT: Marty, I used your model as you have taught us. I sold the euro at 116 with a stop loss at 11705. I sold gold at 1305 with a stop above last year’s high. I can afford to buy seats at the WEC for my wife and son. Will you scream loud when it […]