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Using the Capitol Protest for a Hidden Agenda

A lot of people have written in about the Capitol siege. This was clearly orchestrated in advance to achieve three objectives. To stop any demand to investigate the election To further the Domestic Terrorist Act To justify creating a wall around the Capitol to protect them while imposing the Great Reset Pelosi and Schumer have […]

Education Creating Decivilization

  While those supporting the Great Reset are all about preventing any movement that requires people to drive with fossil-fueled vehicles, they are deliberately ignoring the social cost to children. The Washington Post, which is so left they would fail a sobriety test unable to walk a straight line, wrote: “A year later, a rethinking […]

Has the IMF become a Fascist Organization?

The entire world of economics has been abandoned without actually admitting it has failed. Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is throwing in the towel without actually admitting its policies have totally failed. The IMF was the bastion of Keynesianism, supporting economic Neoliberalism. Of course, the head of the IMF is on the board of […]

Gallup Poll says 51% of health care workers Refuse to Vaccinate

I have reported that my cousin who was a frontline nurse in New Jersey got COVID. They insisted she still gets vaccinated. After the first dose, she had a stroke. She has recovered, thank God, but has refused the second dose. In Italy, they have pulled the AstraZeneca anti-Covid vaccines after the reporting of “three […]

The 2020 COVID Crash Appears it was a Manipulation

The Build Back Better slogan was actually all prepared in 2019 BEFORE Covid. This entire movement was set in motion using the virus to stage this event all for climate change. Every step of the way this propaganda has been orchestrated in high gear which took off in August 2019. The Climate Clock was turned […]

Eastern Europe New Political Block

  The Central European countries are forming a block uniting AGAINST the rise of Marxist/Communism emerging from Brussels. I have been in contact with reliable sources and I can still confirm that I do not see how Schwab and his associates will succeed. It is impossible for them to conquer the world with their leftist […]

Texas Ends Mask Requirements & Opens Up Restaurants

  There is just no evidence whatsoever that masks do anything. When I went to the doctors last year they asked about COVID. I told them I did not know anyone with COVID. They said I could still catch it by pumping gas in my car. And when I bought a box of masks, they […]

Dorsey Moves into Banking as Promised to Overthrow Trump

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I thought you were wrong on Bitcoin and that it was a store of value. I can see now that it is only a trading vehicle as you have said. But what made me write to you is I just read that Dorsey is opening up an online bank. You got that […]

The COVID Fraud Will Not Stay Hidden Forever

The medical profession has really bought into COVID because of the simple fact that they got paid bonuses if the person had COVID. They were claiming that COVID was impacting minorities more, but failed to mention that if you did not have insurance and said you had COVID, the government paid 100% of all the […]

Climate Change & the Dollar

COMMENT: Marty, at first I was not sure why you were focusing on the climate change issue. I now understand that climate is the main driving force behind this Great Reset which is out to undermine capitalism. Looking at the dollar through a global view I can see that cash is not trash. Thank you […]