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The DOJ has Always Been a Political Tool

QUESTION: You said that Barr would not defend Trump. Are you implying that the DOJ is just a tool of the President? GH ANSWER: Absolutely. Barr would not appoint even a special counsel to investigate Biden’s son. That was clearly an indication that he was there to protect the swamp and had no intention of […]

Can CNN be sued for the Blood They Have on their Hands?

COMMENT: Martin, I would visit my Dad in Boca and the TV would always be on CNN, but I could not hear it only read the subtitles.  I was disgusted to see the blatant propaganda and biased “reporting” which I read on screen.  As a proofreader at some of the top law firms in the […]

Supreme Court Continues to Protect Politicians

Supreme Court protects Hillary Clinton as expected. The Supreme Court refused to compel Hillary Clinton to testify about her email server rejecting a move by Judicial Watch. This is further proof that the Supreme Court is refusing to enforce the law when it comes to politicians.

Putin’s Warnings at the World Economic Forum

Putin’s speech at the World Economic Forum was quite insightful. He said that we “are seeing a crisis of the previous models and instruments of economic development. Social stratification is growing stronger both globally and in individual countries. We have spoken about this before as well. But this, in turn, is causing today a sharp […]

Swamp Strikes Back

  The movement against capitalism is very broad and the politicians have caused this crisis to further their agenda. Governments were shaken by the election of Donald Trump in 2016. That is why they have brought this impeachment – they are trying to drive a stake in the heart of democracy which they call “populism” […]

Hope for the Future

After serious discussions, there is great concern that those behind Biden and drafting these executive orders having him sign them is off the charts wiping out We The People. Trump’s orders to bring down drug prices for diabetics were just reversed to help big pharma. It appears that the corruption is running very deep, but […]

Pelosi is the Greatest Embarrassment to the Country in Modern History

QUESTION: Would you agree to meet with Pelosi if it was arranged? Anonymous REPLY: No. It would be pointless. She is perhaps the vilest politician in history. She beats even Hillary, hands down. Her actions are always self-serving, and she would NEVER do anything to actually help the country. She is a complete disgrace to […]

IMPEACHMENT – Urgent Clarification That Divides Country

I have endeavored to provide only reliable information. My sources are real, not imaginary conjuring up plots where Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act and even arrest Pence. The last time that was invoked was in 1992 by George H.W. Bush during the unrest in Los Angeles after the acquittal of police officers who beat […]

Confidence in Government in a 34 years Crash & Burn

COMMENT: The difference between Socrates and the fake pandemic or socialism or fake global warming is that people are allowed to take or leave the information presented here without threats or consequences. There is no force or bribing used to accept the results of the system…which is the determination of many inputs to drive an […]

Italian Connection Video Partly Recorded

  This is part of the video we recorded and midstream, YouTube removed it because anything that gives any counter-view is removed. This is the type of censorship we are facing. This is standard for socialist/communist revolutions and this is the only conclusion we can come up with. What they are saying in this video […]