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The GDP Decline Post-2015.75

The economic decline that we are now in moving into about 2036, is significantly different than pre-2015.75. The confidence shifted and 2015.75 was the peak in confidence in government. This is the rising discontent which produced Trump, BREXIT, and the rising separatist movements around the globe. The old way of running the economy is what […]

Is There a Way Out of This Financial Mess?

We need to open the door to the future but that is only possible by understanding the past. Paul Volcker back in 1979 in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle said: “Not much more than a decade ago, in what now seems a more innocent age, the ‘New Economics’ had become orthodoxy. Its basic tenet, repeated […]

New Zealand & the Hunt for Taxes

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Firstly I appreciate your insight into world events. I don’t see anyone else coming even close to what you do. In New Zealand we are facing an election and taxation is a big topic. Labour on the left has appointed a new, young, female leader who has wide appeal. She is hedging […]

Trying to Save the Euro from Total Disaster

  European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has now come out in a very desperate move telling that those members of the EU who are non-euro countries should introduce the euro ASAP. “The euro is destined to be the single currency of the EU as a whole,” Juncker declared. Juncker then proposed a “euro preparation instrument” […]

The Month-End Closing for July 2017

The dollar correction for this Year from Political Hell is still in motion, but there is no major change in trend that is at hand. In the British pound, the Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 13485 level on cash.  In the Euro, the Monthly Bullish remains up at 12885 with a Minor Monthly Bullish at […]

Navigating the Business Cycle = Prosperity

The key to the future is understanding (1) the past and (2) how everything functions. Sure there is a risk of a Dark Age after 2032. Hopefully, we can learn from the past to push things in the right direction at least for once. For whatever reason, the people who like to run government are […]

They Want to Put Nano-Chips into Currency So they can track every note

Believe it or not, Australia has a Black Economy Taskforce that hunts down citizens in every possible way. They look at where they send their kids to school and then inquire at the school who pays the bills and how. They are using technology to hack people’s phones of anyone suspected of hiding money to […]

Illinois Should Just Be Dissolved as the Solution

John Kass of the Chicago Tribune has come out with a blunt article, yet it is the only possible solution since the government is effectively just bankrupt with no hope of recovery. He writes: “Illinois is like Venezuela now, a fiscally broken state that has lost its will to live, although for the moment, we […]

Illinois on Brink of Default

While politicians always talk about the poor and the needy, they never talk about how their own pensions are breaking the bank and come before everything else. It’s always the poor, which is the lead to raising taxes. So here you have a politician pleading with the people to tell their representative end the impasse […]

Governor Jerry Brown of California Advocates the Overthrow of USA

Governor Jerry Brown of California is committing treason Against the United States. He is leading a confederacy against the Federal Government and should stand trial, but of course that would be controversial. After Trump rejected the Paris Climate treaty, which had never been ratified by the Senate, the European Union announced that it would work […]