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BigTech – Replacing Banks

QUESTION: Can you explain how using Jack Dorsey’s financial tools are another way Americans are surrendering their freedoms. Although the transaction fees are a fraction of banks and the time duration are almost instant. Thanks – although after years or writing into your block/contact I’ve yet to have a reply N ANSWER: Back in 2020, […]

FUTURE Under Construction

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am new to your blog but I’m here because your reputation precedes you. I was told unlike everyone else commenting on the World Economic Forum, even Nigel Farage said you were the alternative to Davos. My question is this. Why has the WEF been so influential with all of these […]

Biden Administration Most Incompetent in History

  I have often said that I felt sorry for Bush Jr. for he will be remembered as starting the War over Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction that never existed. The real president was Dick Cheney who orchestrated everything and gave the business to his former company Haliburton. When allegations of corruption were surfacing, they […]

“The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated” Pandemic to DePopulate 1981

Jacques Attali is a well-known French economist and social theorist. He has been a political adviser but also a senior civil servant, which is in itself a distorted term for they never see themselves as serving the people. We have simply been a herd of sheep to manage. Additionally, Attali was a counselor to the […]


I continue to believe that this virus was manufactured and deliberately released neither by China nor the US Military and at the same time, we have the Grand Wizzard Bill now calling to end all beef consumption, and simultaneously, there is a rising call to reduce the population. Killing millions in the name of saving […]

Shortages & Unemployment

The Federal Reserve’s take on the coin shortage says that there are ample coins in the economy, but the banks have also been closed so there was a shortage also created by the fact that businesses could not get coins from a local bank that was operating only in a virtual mode. This also contributed […]

Communication is Vital to Empires & History Always Repeats

Rome became the greatest empire that ever existed because of its organization, which included its communication system. Here we have a Roman sestertius of Emperor Nerva (96-98 AD) who issued this coin to declare that Rome would assume the costs of the imperial post, which had been shifted to the municipalities slowing communications. Clearly, the […]

COVID & Infertility

  The governor of Arkansas brought up the #1 question that has been rising more than anything – do the vaccines result in infertility? You have to listen to the words of this doctor “at this time” she claims there is no medical evidence that the vaccines cause infertility. What she then says in the […]

Freedom Protests in Milian, Italy Today

  There are Freedom Protests throughout Europe. Schwab may be twisting this saying the civil unrest is because the people want his communist solution of “EQUALITY” but he is deliberately pulling off this fraud to compel the world to adopt his economic vision. Sooner or later, people will storm the World Economic Forum as well. […]

We Can Win if we Understand the Game Plan

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have posted your model and warned that we are entering a period where totalitarianism is the objective into 2032. Can you explain perhaps in more detail what that means? Thank you for your courage in these times WH ANSWER: While everyone is focused on COVID and arguing that there is no […]