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Mike Pence – The Neocon GOP Presidential Candidate

Former Vice President Mike Pence plans to run in the 2024 US Presidential Election with the goal of pushing the nation into a global conflict. Part of his rhetoric is bashing former President Trump for having diplomatic relations with Russia, despite working under him for four years. If elected, Pence said he plans to offer […]

Europeans Do Not Want to Support the US in a War Against China

America seems to have lost all true allies. Once the world police, the US has been expected to “save” democracies worldwide since the First World War. The US pledges more to NATO than any other member and has gifted Ukraine endless supplies to protect Europe from “Russian aggression.” Yet, a new poll states that Europeans […]

What If Canada do to Quebec What Zelensky is Doing to Donbas?

COMMENT: Imagine Canadians bombing Quebec and outlawing the French language and French-speaking people. My guess is Quebec will eventually use this opportunity to separate from Canada! The propaganda is so thick!! Thanks from the Great White North for being a voice of Reason and Truth!! Jim M REPLY: Both of my Ukrainian employees have fled […]

Will It All Explode by the Ides of May 2025?

I know some people send emails alleging I am some sort of Putin supporter. Most of my sources come from inside Ukraine. There is NO government on this earth that EVER has 100% approval of its people. There are ALWAYS two sides just as we have in the polarization of the United States. Many have […]

Gold & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, first I want to thank you for your independent analysis. In gold, all they ever say is buy – buy – buy. It seems if you ever say anything else, they ridicule you. Gold to them is a religion, not an investment. My question is that you have always said that the […]

There is no Glory in the Grave

“The working class of Europe has nothing to gain from this war and everything to lose,” Irish European Parliament member Clare Daly stated in October 2022. “I find it laughable that those who call for arms to Ukraine never call for arms for the people of Palestine, or for the people of Yemen.” She is […]

US Voters Want Economic Growth over Equality

Inflation has hurt everyone. It is no surprise that a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports indicates that US voters are now prioritizing economic growth of equality. The latest survey found that 64% of voters favor policies that contribute to economic growth, while only 27% said they prioritized economic fairness. In 2019, before the last election, […]

Credit Card Debt on the Rise

Credit card debt in the US spiked to its highest quarterly level in Q4 2022 after increasing by $85.8 billion. The average American household has about $10,000 in credit card debt, marking an 8.9% YoY increase. Now, Americans are facing $1 trillion in credit card debt due to rising APR and inflation. The Federal Reserve […]

Why the United States Will Fall

  This is why the United States is dead. It can no longer stand united and, like Ukraine, we too will simply have to split. There should be a property swap where Democrats leave the Red States and go to the Blue States and vice versa. This is how empires always die. They collapse from […]

Red Cross and UN Promotes Illegal Migration – Public Health and National Security at Risk

COMMENT: Getting a lot of stuff about migrants (pictures attached). Afghanis and Uzbeks are seen and the Uzbeks speak English after a fashion. By the way, why is the Panamanian Red Cross putting out their message in English?? Afghani speaks no English and is making this trip with a young daughter?? (Says he is from […]