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The Right to Even Trade

COMMENT: Marty, I watched the Solution Conference with my son who is 18. While I at first thought it was a restatement of what you have been saying in different postings, my son’s eyes popped open. He said to me ‘Dad, he is right. He sees what we see. This is not working and there […]

Thinking Outside the Box – Yes there is a Whole Lot More Than Meets the Eye

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to say your proposal is brilliant. I fear most people will not grasp what you put forth because they are confined in their world of ideas about money having some tangible value and inflation is related to the quantity of money rather than as you say, it is just […]

COMPLEXITY – Key to Reality

COMMENT: Marty, you called for a pop in the Euro and I then see a slight pop in gold and decline in the Dow. Everything really is connected. Thank you so much for opening my eyes. REPLY: Yes. You are seeing the world for what it really is. Everything is connected and nothing moves in […]

Markets in Review

The reaction rally in the markets appears to be unfolding on schedule. From the broader perspective, a corrective process in equities will send the residual cash into bonds and this may help create the final bubble top in interest rate markets. This should materialize with a correction in the dollar and that pop in the […]

Interest Rates – Dollars – October

Some have asked will the dollar has previously fallen with higher interest rates so why will the opposite unfold now? The answer to that question is rather important to grasp – YES and NO. Sometimes YES and sometimes higher interest rates reflects a weak currency but NO for higher interest can reflect also a strong […]


QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong:   I hope you are doing well and congratulations for your successful work, research and forecasts!. I don´t understand, Why TIME is more important than PRICE?. For example, Why the PRICE of gold is not important?. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Sincerely,   J.E.M.V. ANSWER: […]

Trading – Who is Your Real Adversary

COMMENT: Dear Marty Your piece of advice this morning is pure gold, thank you for always enlightening the path of those of us who are looking to preserve our assets, grow and work the markets. My emotional trade has been natural gas, it has shaken me down like a bitch, now that I’m not focused […]

France Really Going After Everyone With Money

France is calling it “low-cost terrorism” and are using the the recent attacks that they claim did not cost very much the reason to now track movement of gold, make it illegal to pay for anything in cash more than €1,000, and anyone trying to withdraw more than €10,000 in a single month in total will […]

Where to Hide – Public v Private

QUESTION: There’s a point I’ve been trying to understand and every time that I read your writings I’m staying more and more confused: How it will be possible with the deflation that already affects several countries, with the bubble burst the bonds, with the financial economic chaos that will destroy several companies, bankruptcy of business, […]

Surviving Your Own Trading Decisions – You Can Be Your Worst Enemy

  One of the biggest reasons people will lose money trading is they are too biased and it becomes a struggle against a particular market. Be it gold and fighting against the downtrend or something like the DAX and fighting against a rally. Whenever you are on the opposite side of a trend, you are […]