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Quantity Theory of Money is Being Scrapped

The Quantity Theory of Money that an increase in supply should result in a decrease in its purchasing power (inflation) is being seriously questioned behind the curtain. The simplistic idea is starting to be exposed as an ancient myth. It is interesting how many phone calls are coming in from around the world as people […]

Monopoly Game & Single Tax Movement

History is all about amazing connections between ideas and events that become reality. We far too often forget our origins of customs and terms. For example, New Jersey is named after Julius Caesar – Nova Caesaria (land of the new Caesar). A Caesarian birth is named after how he was born and of course July […]

Shifts in Liquidity – Indicative of Deflation & Bond Bubble?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Interesting read on the London traders post today. I’ve always traded from home primarily in mid cap equities. This last year has seen the steady decline of liquidity in small and mid cap stocks as people seriously start to question which company’s will survive and which won’t. The blue chips are liquid […]

Austria to Default on Debt of 10.2 billion Euros

The province of Carinthia in Austria with its multibillion-dollar commitments for the former Hypo Alpe Adria, is presenting the classic problem. Does the state honor its guarantees, or does it simply say sorry, we never really guaranteed that. The state government is looking to default of its debt of €10.2 billion euro guarantees. This is […]

Who Controls the Money Supply – Fed or We the People?

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Laugh you may. How about we just exchange with each other with love and compassion? All the best, m   ANSWER: Ironically you hit it on the head. You will deal with someone you TRUST and you will not deal with someone you do not TRUST. This is the very essence […]

Bitcoin will be Capped at 21 million?

  I am told that I will be wrong because Bitcoin has an arbitrary cap at 21 million so it cannot end up as the dollar. Sorry, if you cap it at 21 million and there are over 300 million Americans alone, just how is Bitcoin going to ever replace anything? That is the attempt […]

Stock Market & Bonds During the 1980s

  The DAX is making this type of breakout whereas the Dow is crawling sideways along resistance. It is not quite ready for prime time. That does not  preclude the Dow from first reacting down with the first rate hike because so many people believe higher rates are bearish. Those will be the buying opportunities […]

Money – Electronic & Debasement

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all you have done, your blog is amazing.   I have a question (well many but will only ask one).  Will electronic money fully displace all currencies or will we go with a 2 tier system one for domestic and one for international? Thank you very much, rms ANSWER: […]

Writing a Bill for Congress

QUESTION: Marty; did I hear correctly in your interview with Glen Downs that you are writing a bill to eliminate debt to be introduced to Congress? DB ANSWER: Correct. I will go over that at the Solution Conference. I have written legislation legalizing gold at state levels back in 1974. So I have been there […]

Fiat and the Abuse of Using This Term

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong People seem to just equate any non commodity form of money as being fiat. But fiat means a value dictated by government. There seems to be a foot-loose use of the word fiat to the point I am not sure what people are yelling about. Bitcoin fluctuates wildly so where is the […]