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Warren Leads Charge Against the Federal Reserve & Wall Street Banker’s Days R Numbered?

Senator Elizabeth Warren is leading the charge against the Federal Reserve being too close to the bankers in a Hearing on Fed Accountability and Reform in the Senate. This week, the Senate Banking Committee held the first of its hearings on widespread demands to reform the Federal Reserve to make it more transparent and accountable. […]

Manipulations v Systemic Manipulation

  COMMENT: Marty, I see now what you are talking about. These gold promoters always pitch inflation and then claim when they are wrong the market is rigged with perpetual manipulation. You are correct. How can you preach put everything into metals and then say the metals cannot rise because of manipulation? This really seems […]

US v Europe Divergence

  A lot of questions have come in regarding this subject. Keep in mind that we have two aspects converging (1) Cycle of War targeting 2017, and (2) the Sovereign Debt Crisis. The first has also the Civil Unrest v International Conflict. This divergence need not simply be just international war, although Obama seems so […]

Energy Models & The Generational Cycle Shift

QUESTION: Marty; I was at the second 1987 WEC Conference in Princeton. I remember asking you about gold and you said it would decline for 19 years into 1999 and then start to invert in preparation for Big Bang. I have never known you to be wrong yet. You clearly said gold peaked and would […]

Human Nature & The Economic Trends

Human nature tends to create followers as a whole because of confidence. Financial Panics unfold because the whole is in a state of panic. This is why paper-shorts are so essential to stabilizing the markets. When everyone is in a state of panic, only a mad man would buy. The short player is critical for […]

Manipulations v Reality – Here We Go Again

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong you make very good arguments about markets not being manipulated for long vs the trend, yet then you post that Goldman jailed you and had their programmer jailed so they could manipulate markets. I am sure you will ignore this email, but can you clarify what you mean? ANSWER: The Goldman accusation against […]

People who challenge the system – Russian News

The month of March has changed the lives of three very different people, who in their own way have decided to fight with the System (“Goldman Sachs – FRS”). 1. Sergey Aleynikov, a former employee of Goldman Sachs, the developer of the trading platform, has received 8 years in prison for the transmission codes of […]

Crisis in Socialism or Capitalism

There is a debate going on that tries to paint the economic crashes as due to capitalism and we should all follow Marx and eliminate wealth handing 100% of all power to government. There are really a lot of people who think communism was correct and the problem is capitalism thanks to greedy bankers. To […]

Julius Caesar & Debt Crisis – Negative Interest Rates?

The Debt Crisis of 49BC that set off a Civil War I have written about in detail. Much of what the public was led to believe centered around politics and Cicero casting Julius Caesar as a power-hungry dictator. Anything but that image was correct. Cicero was on the wrong side and I collected all the […]

Global Warming v Environment

QUESTION: Martin Your writings have brought me from the global warming is a “fact” side back to the undecided. I understand the cycles you are speaking about but I still cannot understand how we dismiss the horrible effects man places on this world between emissions, plastic, garbage, knocking down entire rain Forrest’s fracking I’m mean […]