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Can World War III be Avoided?

Many people have written in asking if you can avoid World War III. In my experience with this model, the turning points are fixed in time. We cannot alter the cycle any more than someone can manipulate any market, altering it from boom to bust. You cannot alter the cycle, but I believe that, from […]

Sweden War-Mongers Ready to Start WWIII

COMMENT: Hello; I just wanted to comment that the arrays on Sweden have predicted the two-year wait for NATO, and it got it down to the month. I just wanted to say that all we have had here is doom and gloom, and Russia will attack any day now. The press claimed Sweden is neutral. […]

March Webinars – Tickets Still Available!

Mastering Economic Insights: Q1 Exclusive Webinars   Embark on a journey of financial enlightenment with our exclusive webinar series in the first quarter of 2024. We are hosting three separate events catered to your personal interests. Join us as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM), delve into the intricacies of […]

And Here Comes April/May 2024

  The Supreme Court has set April 25th as the oral argument for the decision on whether Trump has immunity. I do not know why events will always show up with our cycle targets. I have come to believe that the PRESSURE in the system compels actions to take place on these cyclical targets. Our […]

Powell: March Rate Cut Unlikely

Those who follow this blog already knew that the Federal Reserve would not drop rates in the future due to unsustainable fiscal policies paired with America’s increasing involvement in foreign wars. All of the talking heads were preaching that rates would significantly decline to pandemic levels, as if that were the historical norm. Every fiscal […]

Canada Moves to Ban Christianity – Changes to Bill C-367

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has passed numerous pieces of legislation prohibiting free speech in Canada, yet nothing has been as restrictive as Bill C-367, an amendment to the Criminal Code that will prohibit Canadians from expressing “an opinion based on a belief in a religious text. If passed, people can be arrested for quoting […]

The Constitutional Crisis Coming for 2025

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your in-depth analysis on the legal front. With your latest post, I assume that our vote may not count in the end. Congress will refuse to certify a Trump victory, calling him an insurrectionist because the Supreme Court held that only Congress can pass legislation to address that disqualification. […]

Gold v Bitcoin

QUESTION: Marty, is it time to short Bitcoin? Even the stochastic are starting to roll over. My best indicator is a crypto bug who says you are wrong and it will replace the dollar at go to 100,000 any day now. He is always the kiss of death in trading. Never looks at charts. Only […]

The 2024 Election – Will Your Vote Even Matter?

The computer has been forecasting these events decades in advance. As we approach them, what seemed outlandish years ago seems likely today. The civil unrest is dividing not just the United States but we see it in Canada and throughout Europe. This is NOT simply due to Trump. What is unfolding is the discontent with […]

Trump Wins Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho – Big Time!

Donald Trump won the Republican caucuses on Saturday in Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho. Overall, Trump won with nearly 98 percent support against Haley. Back in December 2022, Gallup Poll had reported that 45% of Americans believed Trump has “a lot” of responsibility for the January 6th event. But with the passage of time, even the […]