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The Death of the Euro

At last year’s WEC, we warned that the collapse of the euro was underway. We achieved the Yearly Bearish Reversal on the close of 2015, but we did so far below the number. We had been waiting for the rally to retest the 11600 level, which we finally achieved. The ECB monetary policy has been […]

Ukrainian Tatar Wins EuroVision Song Contest

  Jamala is a Ukrainian singer, composer and actress whose ethnic background is a Tatar. In this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, Jamala performed her own composition, 1944. This has caused a bit of a stir for the song is about the oppression of the Tatars in Crimea by Stalin. There have been hundreds of comments on Facebook […]

Private Blog Update: Dow – Euro- Gold – Silver

Private blog update: Dow – Euro- Gold – Silver

Dollar & Euro

We have issued a special report for the Euro & the US Dollar Index. A special report on the fate of the dollar and the euro is now available. This 61-page report provides the long-term view for the dollar and euro going into 2020. Since this key element is central to all other markets, this […]

Euro – Gold – Silver Update for the Close

Private Blog Update for the close today in Euro – Gold – Silver

The Electric Crisis in Europe

Many people do not realize that the global warming/climate change deals in Europe will eliminate gasoline and diesel cars on the streets come 2020. From Norway to India, the year 2020 will mark the end of petrol and diesel vehicles. This is part of the long-term bear market in energy. Germany wants to put at […]

Euro Collapsing thanks to Another Brain-Dead EU Proposal

Merkel’s failed refugee policy is destroying the fabric of Europe and raising international concerns that Europeans may need visas because she has introduce the prospect of ISIS using Europe as a stepping stone to get into the USA. Now, Merkel’s policy is forcing other countries to take refugees. The European Commission now wants to compel […]

Euro – Gold – Silver Update on Private Blog

Update for Today on Euro – Gold – Silver on Private Blog

Private Blog Update for Today’s Close Metals & Euro

Private Blog Update for Metals Closing Today & the Euro

The European Refugee Crisis is Changing the Face of Europe

For the first time in Britain, the number one name given to boys upon birth was Muḥammad. This is how Rome died. The affluent typically see birth rates decline and immigrants fill the gap. Ancient Egyptians were a red race and always pictured themselves as a different color that was more similar to American Indians. […]