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Wild 9-Year Cycles in Climate Change from Cold to Warm

On September 28, 1924, the New York Times reported that there was evidence that the Arctic had actually been tropical in the past. They reported that there was the possibility of a coming Ice Age. The NY Times reported: “NATURE is in a strange mood beyond the Arctic Circle, Glaciers are moving from their age-old […]

Theory v Raw Data on Sun Energy Output

QUESTION:  Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October 2018. The information she unveiled should shake/wake you up. Zharkova was one of only two scientists to correctly predict solar cycle 24 would be weaker than cycle 23 — in fact, […]

Europe – How Bad Can This Get?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I’m based here in South of England, within the commuter belt into London. The ECM forecasts an economic downturn 18.01.2020, and Europe looks to be at the epicentre. My own research tells me the job cuts in the auto sector in Germany are quite severe. How does all this play out after […]

WEC Tickets – Verifying if We Have Seats Available

What happens when the ECM turns down, civil unrest rises, and capital flees during a pending liquidity crisis? Find out at the "alternative to Davos!" Click below for more information.

Correction: We Should all be Dead in 2020 Because of Climate Change

COMMENT: Dear Marty, in your blog today you write that politicians state we have allegedly only 12 years to live. Please see this picture of the most read German yellow press paper „Bild“. They stated on front page of February 23rd, 2007: „Secret Climate Report: We have only 13 years left to save the earth!“ This […]

Liquidity Crisis

COMMENT: Marty, you have made many unbelievable forecasts in so many markets around the world. But your forecast that we would see a liquidity crisis after Labor Day and dollar hoarding is at the top of the list. There is nobody who saw this coming. Your computer can see things nobody can. Looking forward to […]

Reversals – Energy – A Different Dimension

QUESTION: Hi Marty… I’ve been reading your blog for several years now. I’ve been trying to understand the basics about your reversal system is with no luck. Yet I’ve been trading stocks with only simple trend lines for years using basic tech A. PS I still don’t even understand how the Federal Reserve works either… […]

The World through Everyone’s Eyes

COMMENT: Sir, I appreciate that I may not always agree with what you write but I listen and examine and respect your viewpoint. You, in turn, have answered my many questions and discussed my comments with respect in return. This makes me worry that the ability to discuss problems in a straightforward and thoughtful way […]

Computer v Influence

QUESTION: Do you think that Cambridge Analytica actually had any influence in creating BREXIT given the controversy that they were hired but then not? Can such influence actually change elections? DK ANSWER: As Nigel Farage noted at our Rome WEC in early 2019, our computer forecast BREXIT when nobody else did. Our computer does not […]

Global Warming is Undermined by New Discoveries

Nobody wants to listen to the evidence against Global Warming because the government doesn’t hand out money for research that fails to justify new taxes. Real scientists have just discovered a massive previously unknown source of nitrogen that could turn the Global Warming nonsense on its head. My bet is that it will be ignored. […]