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Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed Basic Income in Canada

    It is very interesting how Trudeau has called anyone who uses the term “Great Reset” is a conspiracy theorist, and he intends to just focus on helping Canadians. Those who are engaged in this Great Reset know they have the media on their side to push this Agenda 2030 forward without anyone ever […]

Seattle Orders $4 per Hour Extra for Essential Workers Causing More Company Closures

The Seatle government has directed that people who are “essential” workers during this pandemic are to be now paid $4 per hour extra for hazard pay. Kroger grocery has decided to close its stores. There is simply no proof of a pandemic and far more people die from cancer than COVID and grocery stores do […]

Vaccine Concerns that They Call Conspiracy Theory & Getting Back to Normal

  The entire problem with these COVID Vaccines has been that politics usurped COVID-19 to not merely beat Trump in the United States who in John Kerry’s own words rejected the United Nations and this American was “absent” from the UN climate change agenda. However, in Europe COVID has been deliberately used to crush the […]


QUESTION #1`: Marty, At the October 2019 WEC you made some eerily prescient statements about two things, first, if the market were to make a low going into the January 2020 period, that might be the bottom; or, if a high were made then(it did), then something profound would appear to happen in the February March […]

Civil Unrest in Spain for the 5th Night

Spain has imprisoned a rapper for insulting the government in his Tweets. Barcelona ​and many ​other Catalan cities, along with Madrid have been erupting in civil unrest as people protest to demand the freedom of rapper Pablo Hasel, who the government sentenced to prison for nine months because of his tweets which were insults against […]

COVID – A Convenient Virus

German researchers have disagreed with the WHO which claimed Wuhan lab was not the source of the virus. This virus was planned and the action of the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates selling out positions and even bonds from December 2019 into January 2020 and then warnings that Klaus Schwab made to intimates reflect […]

Journalism is No Longer a Viable Career & the Pharmaceutical Industry is the Least Trusted!

Journalism is no longer a viable career. Mainstream media has turned to propaganda artists who simply are like the Nazis as they claimed at Nuremberg that they were just following orders. This excuse is not going to cut it in the future for when the people do rise up, which they will do because of […]

It is Snowing in the Desert in Saudi Arabia

  It is snowing a lot in Saudi Arabia. This has nothing to do with CO2. The sooner we start to listen to great research instead of propaganda that has been manufactured to covertly allow the United Nations to dominate the world, which by the way, they have been lobbying for a Carbon Tax worldwide […]

Our Legal System is Pro-Tyranny

In the Netherlands, a court in The Hague has told the Dutch government that an overnight curfew to reduce the spread of coronavirus should be lifted, ruling that it breaches the right to free movement. There are other courts striking down what many governments have done to the people, society, and the economy. In the […]

The Strange Events of Chance Behind Economic Revolutions

This is an engraving with a modern watercolor of machines making cotton thread by performing mechanical versions of carding drawing and roving in a mill in Lancashire England about 1835. What the Great Reset is all about is trying to ACCELERATE this Fourth Industrial Revolution by regulation to save the planet, as they see it. […]