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The Insurrection Part of the Plot

There may have been plants who deliberately instigated storming the Capitol Building just as others placed skids of bricks and broke windows to encourage the Black Live protests into looting. The object here is far deeper than the people the press is reporting. The Democrats are now calling this an “insurrection” and demanding that Pence […]

Civilization and its Rise and Fall

QUESTION: Concerning 911, you said the people in Guantanamo Bay are innocent so they never bring them to trial. Was that the break which set in motion the decline of our civilization? KJ ANSWER: That is certainly possible. Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was the terrorist they put on trial in New York and was supposed to be […]

Republicans Democrats & 3rd Party

QUESTION: You never said that the Republicans would split only the Democrats. Has something changed? SD ANSWER: No. The Democratic split is different. That is a party of highly diverse beliefs. You have the middle-of-the-road Democrats who want Pelosi gone. She represents to them the radical California contingent – as the call it. There are […]

Masquerade – the Real Face of Washington

  I reported previously that John McCain had been the one that released the fake dossier that Hillary paid for to try to discredit Trump which began the entire RussiaGate investigation. That information has now been recently released by the FBI.  As I have reported, about 50% of the Republicans were against Trump because he […]

Assange Tried to Warn the US About the Files That were Leaked

  What this demonstrates is that the Deep State just does not like Julian Assange and is prosecuting him for something they know he did not do. Welcome to American Justice! Nothing is ever what it seems.     Even when the story first broke about the Bank of New York & the $7 billion […]

The Chaos of Politics – Economy – Markets

QUESTION: Socrates forecast that the Democrats were declining in the combined house and senate. That seems to be correct given the sharp losses in the house for the democrats. The presidential election seems to have turned on just four cities, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta. Even assuming the vote was real, it looks like your trend […]

The Strange Election Looking Forward

Our computer forecast that this would be a sharp rise in voter turnout. The turnout for this 2020 election shattered previous highs, including 2008 when Barack Obama defeated John McCain, 1960 when John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon, and 1908 when William Howard Taft defeated William Jennings Bryan reaching 66.2%. That came out to just […]

Electoral College Voting

Republican electors in Georgia and Pennsylvania have cast votes in the Electoral College for President Trump in an effort to overturn Joseph R. Biden. But that was just not enough. This will leave this matter now to the courts and if the Supreme Court will Act on the Powell and other suits that have standing. […]

Open Your Eyes – Corruption Surrounds You

COMMENT: So now something that has been on the books for 95 years is suddenly a problem and UNCONSTITUTIONAL? So now it`s unfair to 1 man who in 4 years his only major accomplishment was to pass a tax break that the bulk of the tax break only benefited the top 1% ? In which […]

How the Supreme Court Doomed the US & the West

    I have been warning that those in Washington DO NOT like outsiders. Only 106 republicans out of 196 joined Texas demonstrating that behind the curtain, nearly 50% of republican politicians prefer Trump to leave because he is not one of them. The Supreme Court avoided ruling claiming Texas had no standing which is […]