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Market Talk – November 17, 2020

ASIA: A survey by IHS Markit in late October of more than 6,600 companies in 12 countries found that companies in China reported the highest recovery rate from the coronavirus pandemic, followed by those in the US. US According to the latest available data from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, multinationals’ majority-owned affiliates in […]

Market Talk – November 6, 2020

ASIA: Chinese short-video and live-streaming app Kuaishou filed for an initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, CNBC reported. The offering is reportedly expected to raise $5 billion. Morgan Stanley, Bank of America Securities, and China Renaissance are the underwriters, according to the filing. Video game streaming aside, analysts say the video apps […]

Market Talk – November 4, 2020

ASIA: Chinese President Xi Jinping tried to re-assure international businesses that the nation is committed to open trade, amid concerns that the new ‘dual circulation’ strategy will mean the world’s second-largest economy is set to become more insular. Xi speech was closely watched, given the backdrop of the U.S. election result and the shock withdrawal […]

Market Talk – November 2, 2020

ASIA: Australia’s former ambassador to China, Geoff Raby, has warned Australia is likely to keep suffering economic harm from “repeated rounds of Chinese economic coercion,” and needs to find a way to reset the relationship. He said Seafood exporters are the latest industry group to report disruptions in accessing the Chinese market, and thus Australia […]

Market Talk – October 29, 2020

  ASIA: Chinese leaders met Monday to formulate an economic blueprint for the next five years that is expected to emphasize the development of semiconductors and other technology at a time when US is cutting off access to US technology. President Xi Jinping’s government is working to promote self-sustaining growth supported by domestic consumer spending […]

Market Talk – October 27, 2020

ASIA: China appears to have comprehensively lost the international battle for hearts and minds over its handling of coronavirus with most people believing it was responsible for the start of the outbreak and was not transparent about the problem at the outset. The findings come from the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project, a survey of 26,000 people […]

Market Talk – October 26, 2020

ASIA: China said Monday that it would impose sanctions on American companies — including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon — that have been involved in selling weapons to Taiwan. Speaking at a press conference Monday, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian called on the United States to stop selling arms to the […]

Klaus Schwab is Planned on Taking your 401K

COMMENT: Hey Martin … Americans for the most part think everything forthcoming “sounds” good, and essentially stay blind to all the gory details of The Great Reset. I try to explain it to a few people and it’s difficult to get a worried response UNTIL I say THEY WILL CONFISCATE YOUR 401K !!   That does it, […]

Market Talk – October 23, 2020

ASIA: China has vowed to retaliate if the US proceeds with the sale of advanced weaponry to Taiwan worth more than a billion dollars, Fox news reported. The statement from China’s defense ministry gave no specifics, but the development marks a further deterioration in ties between Beijing and Washington that have hit their lowest ebb […]

Market Talk – October 21, 2020

  ASIA: China never intended to challenge or replace anyone, Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, stressing what it cares most about is to improve the well-being of its own people. Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for Chinese Foreign Ministry, made the remarks when responding to a new initiative revealed by the US Defense Secretary Mark Esper […]