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Illinois In Deep Financial Trouble

Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza was ordered to make a “substantial” dent in a $2 billion backlog of bills owed to Medicaid providers. The courts ruled that according to the State Constitution, it cannot reduce the pension payments to state employees. What is happening in Illinois is indicative of how governments are imploding and why I […]

British Election Backfires on May – Exit Polls Show Hung Parliament

It’s looking like a hung Parliament and the polls got it wrong again in Britain. The Conservatives appear to be 12 seats short of the 326 to rule with a majority vote after a 20 point lead back in April. Theresa May is facing a serious backlash over her shocking election campaign gamble following an exit […]

Fed Rates & Minutes

Minutes from the Fed’s May policy meeting showed board members thought that if jobs growth remains healthy with a rebound in investment and consumer spending then rates could rise “soon”, which many took to mean June. The economy has shown some signs of weakness, the Fed still thinks its broad strength would justify winding down […]

Money Rushing in Emerging Markets & Europe – Really?

QUESTION: Martin; it seems the Emerging Markets are back in favor just as interest rates are on the rise and their dollar borrowings have exploded. Is this the final bubble that is unfolding? When the WSJ writes about a trend it is usually the end. They are noting that significant flows of funds are now […]

Google’s New Flying Car & the Future Could Be So Much Britighter

I found what I want for Christmas – Google’s prototype for a flying car. It would be really nice if we could ban all people from government who have zero experience in the real world who love to be career politicians to tell the rest of us what to do. Then we need to take […]

Using Postage Stamps for Money

QUESTION: Martin, how would stamps be involved in a cashless society?  Could they be utilized as a paper currency at least domestically?  Stamp books used in place of dollar bills. ANSWER: Historically postage stamps have served as money during the American Civil War. This was the Postage Currency. They needed metal for weapons so there was […]

Getting the Facts Straight – Are they Just Oblivious to our History?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I was reading one analyst who claims we need a new dollar. He said that in 1832 Gold coins were produced at a face value of $20 each, and the one ounce Silver coins retained their $1 valuation and were issued in 1792. He concluded: “In summary. A Silver coin standard in 1792. […]

Freedom Caucus & Big Bang

I have been warning that we are headed directly into the collapse of socialism; not capitalism, simply because politicians have been bribing people’s votes with all sorts of promises they never planned on providing. Social Security may have began as a good idea, but then the money was really just a tax and the fund […]

Debt Burden v Equities

QUESTION: Hey Marty, If the US debt bubble bursts, how does this not affect the banks and insurance companies, as they hold over $1 trillion worth of US debt? Wouldn’t these instances falter also? If they falter, wouldn’t that bring down the entire stock market as well? If this is the case, then how can the […]

Bond Holders will Blame Others for Their Losses

QUESTION: Hello Martin I am beside myself when I look at the disconnect that we are seeing in relation to the US equity market and the US bond market.   Are the bond traders and holders of Bonds going to hold them and incur losses from here on in or will they wake up and look […]