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Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Why Do Not Get Vaccinated or Booster

  Professor Bhakdi refers to new studies published by The Lancet which show that this is not such an unusual virus that the body does not recognize. It responds to the virus quickly showing vaccination is not necessary. Corona Viruses are different from Influenza and Bacteria or a Fungus. While I believe this virus was […]

The Latest Fraud of CNN

  CNN is deliberately misleading the public, and they REFUSE to do any real investigative reporting. They should be shut down as a propaganda organization that is against the national security of the United States. Anyone who would bother to just look at how that statistic was created would be ashamed to repeat it. CNN […]

Inflation On Track into 2024

COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing how you are the only one capable of forecasting this trend years in advance. I have been attending your WEC events since 2011. You have forecast long ago that the deflation would end in 2020 and that this wave would be inflationary with shortages in commodities. If the world simply […]

France Moves to Totalitarian State – End of Tourism

  Macron delivered a 27-minute speech to the nation on television. Macron announced a full-blown authoritarian measure that takes France off the tourist list. He has made vaccinations MANDATORY for caregivers, store clerks, waitresses, and all other workers “in contact with the public” with no exceptions for health or religion. On top of that, he […]

The Plot Thickens

COMMENT: Dear Sir, thanks for the messages at your blog. Today I heard from my daughter that during the European soccer championship a Danish player got a heart attack. That was broadcasted but not that two days before he got a corona vaccin. My grandson of 9 yrs wants to have a vaccination. Why? He […]

The Fascism of the Left Has Infiltrated All levels of Government

  This becomes a fight for the very principles on which the United States was founded. People have infiltrated government at every level and believe they have a right to censor and moot all dissent. This is not what America stood for, and this is clearly why the computer will be right — the only […]

USA’s Forever Wars

The House voted on Thursday to repeal the war resolution that paved the way for the U.S. military invasion of Iraq. This has allowed for what people have called America’s “forever wars.” The Senate has said they will take it up and the White House says it will sign it. Perhaps this will get to […]

Facebook bans Trump until at least 2023

Facebook bans Trump until at least 2023. Quite frankly, it is time to sue Facebook for defamation of character. They are banning Trump pronouncing him guilty of deliberately instructing people to storm the Capitol. It is really time to drag Zuckerberg from his office crying. I may not agree with everything Trump says, and a […]

Market Talk – May 27, 2021

ASIA: The US and China’s top trade negotiators have held “candid, pragmatic” talks, in their first meeting under the Biden presidency. US Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He held a virtual meeting to discuss matters. In the virtual meeting, both sides said they discussed the importance of the trade relationship between […]

Market Talk – May 18, 2021

ASIA: China has banned financial institutions and payment companies from providing services related to cryptocurrency transactions, and warned investors against speculative crypto trading. Under the ban, such institutions, including banks and online payments channels, must not offer clients any service involving cryptocurrencies, such as registration, trading, clearing and settlement, three industry bodies said in a […]