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World Dollar Debt up 5.2% – World Euro Debt Up 10.5%

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has reported exactly what we have been warning about – the explosion in dollar-denominated debt outside the USA which means a rise in the dollar will see a massive debt crisis. The total volume of US dollar-denominated debt outside the US increased significantly. The BIS reported that the volume of […]

Refugee Migration Will Keep Wages Suppressed in Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Here in Germany, one obvious consequence of the refugee migration has been that wages are declining for low-end jobs. I believe you had said that would be a consequence of the refugee crisis. Do you see this spreading throughout Europe? KS ANSWER: It is only common sense that if you increase the labor […]

Did the Migration into Europe Bring New Diseases?

The most devastating plagues in history have been created by migration. There were warnings in the form of rumors that told of a great plague in China and India which killed most of the populations there. The plague made its way to Europe when the Kipchak forces were besieging the Genoese trading post in the Crimea. […]

Euro – Capital Flows or Speculation?

QUESTION: Is the euro really going up on capital inflows or speculation leverage? ANSWER: We are not picking up any real net capital outflows from the USA to Europe. It appears to be speculation on the currency markets in anticipation of higher interest rates coming down the line. But real capital has not begun to move […]

How Will Interest Rates Double in Europe from Here

QUESTION: Marty  Thanks for all your guidance and help in navigating these markets. You mention rates are going up soon in Europe but how can the ECB achieve this when they are still implementing QE. I work in the European HY market and the technicals are horrible as so much money is flooding in chasing […]

Happy New Year Europe

Trump Tax Reform Causing Panic in Europe & Asia

While the American press keeps pushing the class warfare along with the Democrats, outside the USA there is a major panic taking place on a grand scale. I have been called into meeting in Europe and even in Asia all deeply concerned about the loss of competition with the United States due to the Trump Tax Reform. Naturally, […]

Private Blog – Yr-End Closing for Euro

Private Blog – The EURO for Year-end 2017

EU Commission v Eurogroup

Most people do not understand that there is the Eurogroup, which is an informal body of finance ministers from the Eurozone member states that are intended to discuss matters relating to their countries’ common responsibilities related to the Euro.  They do not keep any minutes so nothing emerges with respect to policy. There is now […]

US v Europe Bank Analysis

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is becoming obvious which banks are following your model and putting a spin on it fundamentally and they seem to be outside the USA. Swiss banks are calling for a rally and Goldman Sachs calls for a decline. This is very curious indeed given that your enemy has been Goldman Sachs. […]