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FBI Conceals Documents Proving Biden’s Bribes

There is concrete evidence that Joe Biden illegally accepted bribes from foreign nationals. The GOP and anyone who values US law and national security had hoped the Durham report, the contents on Hunter Biden’s laptop, or even the “joke” about “10% for the big guy” would have been enough to investigate Biden’s illegal dealings. Cathay […]

South Africa Offers Putin Diplomatic Immunity Ahead of BRICS Summit

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, Iran, China, South Africa) alliance is stronger than ever. The 15th annual meeting will be hosted in Cape Town, South Africa, and government leaders are urging all to attend. However, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has an outstanding warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin and South Africa is a member […]

Turkey & the Election

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I’m not sure if you remember me. I was with the Islamic bank that our board ordered we were to open a branch in Turkey and we turned to you to create a hedge since the Turkish lira was not a tradable market. You saved the bank a fortune and I think […]

Audit Reveals Pentagon Lost Thousands of F-35 Jet Parts

The Lightning II or F-35 is one of the most sophisticated fighter jets available. Created by Lockheed Martin, the jet is designed for stealth and destruction. This elite weapon is the most expensive plane ever built, with an estimated lifetime cost between $1.4 and $1.6 trillion. The United States owns more of these jets than […]

The GOP’s Debt Ceiling Demands

The Republicans and Democrats are refusing to agree on the debt ceiling crisis. The government will be unable to pay its bills and the US will default if an agreement is not reached. Yellen has reached out to every media outlet and large corporation in the US to warn of the “catastrophic” consequences. Of course, […]

The Cycle of Rebellions

Spartacus Rebellion 73-71 BC QUESTION: Marty, nobody has done such intense research geopolitically than you. This theory of a one-world government seems absurd with so many languages and cultures. Looking at Ukraine, Kyiv is demanding the people in the Donbas speak only Ukrainian and they must surrender their religion to the Patriarch in Kyiv. This […]

The Close Mind of Those in Power

  Let’s make one thing clear. Russia is NOT flying jets over Ukraine – it sends in missiles and drones. Why is Biden sending the Jets to Ukraine? Zelensky swears they will not be used to invade Russia. However, they will be used to attack Crimea where the people there are Russian and have always […]

Trudeau & Zelensky

COMMENT: Reading yesterday’s post ‘Zelensky Before He Sold Out To The Neocons’ it occurred to me how similar his role has been played as that of my country’s leader Justin Trudeau. When I first heard Justin talk years back before becoming leader he sounded so in touch with the people and their concerns. But once […]

Is Zelensky Concerned About a Coup?

There are quiet whispers inside various EU governments that Zelensky should resign. Inside Ukraine, it was highly suspicious that in January, conveniently, Ukraine’s leading officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (similar to our FBI) charged with protecting the state and the people against illegal actions by those in power all died in […]

The Gold Crash & Our Fate

COMMENT: Marty; Socrates is absolutely amazing. At the start of the year, you showed April as a key turning point in gold followed by May June. The weekly array projected this was the week for the Directional Change. There is nobody with a system like this, which brings to mind its forecasts for war. Ukrainians […]