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Neil Young Fans Trying to force Spotify to remove ALL Conservative Commentary

I think it is time for a class-action lawsuit against Neil Young and his near-dead washed-up singer. He has intimidated Spotify to shut down conservative speech on Spotify acting more like communists and fascists than anyone in recent history. The government can not do what Young is doing. That violates everyone’s constitutional rights. He wants […]

Melinda French Gates to Dismantle the Gates Foundation Monopoly

After their public divorce in late 2021, Melinda French Gates pledged to give the majority of her wealth to the foundation she developed with her now ex-husband. Melinda French Gates is now retracting that promise. “I recognize the absurdity of so much wealth being concentrated in the hands of one person, and I believe the […]

Iowa to Repeal COVID Restrictions

As President Biden said, the coronavirus will be dealt with at the state level. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has announced plans to repeal all emergency COVID measures this month. “We cannot continue to suspend duly enacted laws and treat COVID-19 as a public health emergency indefinitely. After two years, it’s no longer feasible or necessary,” […]

Alberta to Repeal COVID Restrictions

Premier Jason Kenney announced that Alberta will lift all COVID measures amid the ongoing protests. Kenney is far from empathizing with the protestors. Instead, he is demanding that the protests come to an immediate stop, which was the ultimate goal of the Freedom Convoy. “No responsible government makes policy by negotiating with people engaged in […]

Trudeau Dreams of Dictatorship

In 2013 a reporter asked Justin Trudeau which country he most admired. “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime,” Trudeau smiled and stated with seriousness. He went on to say how he admired (i.e., envied) how […]

Switzerland Abolishes COVID Restrictions

Now Switzerland is abolishing COVID restrictions. More and more countries are waking up to this insanity. I have had numerous calls on the subject and I believe that computer forecast that these people would fail and that this could not extend beyond the 3rd year, all once again making it on time and a correct […]

Pfizer Protest in Paris

Angry Parisians took to the streets to protest outside of the Pfizer building, shouting, “Assassin!” French President Macron plans to seek out his second five-year term this April, but his draconian policies have made him a rather unpopular president. An Odoxa poll showed that Macron’s approval rate has plummeted to a nine-month low of just […]

Biden Violates His Own Agenda & the Constitution

Biden is saying he will only appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court violates the law, and all judges could file a class-action lawsuit for violating their Civil Rights. Congress has enacted a variety of laws prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or […]

The Unvaccinated in Quebec Must be Accompanied by Staff While Shopping

In another degrading blow to humanity, the government of Quebec is prohibiting unvaccinated shoppers from entering big box stores that do not include groceries or pharmacies. If a person’s vaccine passport does not meet the requirement, they must be “accompanied at all times during his or her travels by an employee of the business, the […]

The Needle and The Damage Done – Neil Young v Spotify and Joe Rogan

Singer Neil Young was so disgruntled by Joe Rogan’s podcast that he gave Spotify an ultimatum. “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them,” Young wrote. “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.” Young essentially martyred […]