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It’s More than just a Debt Bubble – It’s a Social Bubble

  Our computer is monitoring everything everywhere and it correlates the world. Everything is tested against everything from adzuki beans in Tokyo and palm oil to wheat, gold, DAX, FTSE and the Dow. We also include nature, weather, earthquakes, politics, and social trends. You would be amazed but as an economy expands, the family size and […]

Arthur Burn’s Advice During Recession ’75 – Cut Deficit & Taxes

Arthur Burn’s testified before Congress on the economic crisis – the first to unfold in the new Floating Exchange Rate system that began in 1971. Keynesian Economics as practiced by government was dead anf taxes had risen to outrageous;y the 90% level until the first tax cut by Kennedy. Burns delivered his recommendation during the […]

Replacing the Dollar

  The conspiracy crowd keep swearing the dollar has to collapse and remain clueless that the world is in serious trouble. The impact of debt is far worse outside the USA than inside yet their myopic vision blinds them to the truth. Taxes are so high in Europe and this renders it is impossible to […]

So Where is the Bubble?

  While those who advocated stocks in various institutions are being demoted and the bond bulls yell I told you so, as Melon famously said in the start of the 1929 Crash that Gentlemen Buy Bonds, what is really going on in the markets cannot be seen without looking at the cross-connections. Why? Sometimes you […]

Dow & 2015.75

QUESTION: Many thanks again for the stream of clarifying observations posted daily — hugely appreciated. I was struck when reading that 2015.75 could be a low.Would this not permit a drop to cross 11,750? And would such a resulting chart pattern not be remarkably bullish? In effect might not the drop be an amplified echo of that […]

Dow for 10-14-2014

  The Dow held the Daily Bearish at 16319. Therefore, if the low of 10/13 holds, we should bounce back into Thursday-Friday. But this would be just a bounce. We can see from the technical chart that once that uptrend line was broken, there was just the collapse. Typically, we would rally back and bounce […]

So When Will We Know?

All year we have been warning that a Phase Transition is coming, but when could not be ascertained until after September 2014. At some point everything must flip. Why? Because this is a Sovereign Debt Crisis not the normal plain vanilla decline. This is why retail participation is at historic lows and liquidity is at […]

Free Handouts Always Invoke a Behavior Change

  Animals are not stupid. Even a bird will respond to free food and trust you to come close. Here I am feeding a bird willing to fly up to me because I have free food. Humans are no different.  Like the bird that trusted me, humans trust government to be there as well. What […]

Benchmark Cycles

COMMENT: Marty; the metals report is amazing. The chapters illustrating the Benchmark Cycles is worth the price alone. I never saw cycles shown in so many variations and functions. That chapter by itself proves the goldbugs prefer to be wrong and no matter how far gold declines, they will always be in denial. I was […]

The Trade of a Lifetime?

COMMENT: Marty, the Wall Street Journal finally explained on October 1st, 2014 that investors suddenly see a rising dollar as bullish for the US stock market. I just wanted to say they are 3 years behind you it seems all the time. Thanks so much for pointing the way. I got out of gold and […]