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The Governments Know Sovereign Debt Defaults Are Coming

  On page 13 of the IMF Working Paper entitled Sovereign Debt Restructurings 1950–2010: Literature Survey, Data, and Stylized Facts, you will find this timeline on how to deal with the coming Sovereign Debt Default. Behind the Curtain, they know what is coming. They appear to be even using our timing. Numerous emails have come in asking […]

The FORECASTER May Become Available for a Restricted Global Viewing

QUESTION:  Hello Armstrong Economics, Is there any way to purchase the movie The Forecaster directly? I would love to see it and am a follower of Mr. Armstrong, receiving some of his reports that came out while he was still in jail. Is there a pay to watch website that might show it? Thank you, […]

The Movie – the Forecaster

  The Movie the Forecaster made its debut to a full house last night. The reception was fantastic. It was nice to have an audience that was so receptive – it truly was amazing. Most documentary films are about some suffering. This one is not about poor me, but what I have been fighting against […]


  I arrived in Amsterdam. It has begun. As I have stated, this film is not about my life, but about my battle against the market manipulators who have blackmailed government into bailing out their losses while they keep all the gains. When I objected to the seizure of the tapes I had made documenting […]

West v Russia – Who is to Blame? It Maybe Just Basic Psychology

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, I do respect your analysis, experience and what you do yet there is something that doesn’t fit with the independency you claim. You blame Obama and western leaders for acting like kids while you are rather silent about Putin merely just stating that he is forced to act the way he […]

The Dow – Starting a Cycle Inversion?

  The golden rule of trading is just this – What goes sideways when it should move up or down, moves in the opposite direction even stronger. Where we achieved the temp low in gold on the target week of 11/03, the Dow has moved sideways and is crawling along resistance. Given the G20 position […]

I Welcome Our New CEO – Ashley Warren

I am pleased to introduce Ashley Warren who has taken up the position of CEO of Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Ashley has the TRADING experience globally and has been on the institutional side of our client base attending our conferences from Tokyo to Berlin and everywhere in between. Ashley will also contribute to the Institutional […]

The G20 Question from the Canadian Perspective

QUESTION: Martin, thank you very much for all that you have done for the middle class reader. I am a Canadian that only discovered you about a year ago. In this short time your teachings have still had a positive impact on my financial situation. I was one of the Gold believers but have sold most of my […]

The Precious Metals – The Bounce?

  The metals bottomed during the week of November 3rd on schedule. It now appears if we achieve that rally we outline in the International Precious Metals Outlook, then a high on that seasonal target would tend to warn that we will decline to new lows once more falling into the Benchmark targets. So far […]

The Future Explained – What is Unfolding & the Connections in the Global Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I must say, you are the father of market analysis and I can see how the uninitiated are lost in their concept of fundamentals still see you are the person who manipulates the world economy. When they are totally lost in the cavities within their mind they cannot see beyond the linear […]