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The Gold Standard Fell As All Currency Pegs Do

COMMENT: Dear Marty, In your recent blog about BREXIT, and. “Remainers acting in self-interest”, you produced an ONS graph showing UK’s growth rates before and after joining the EU (previously known as the Common Market), and concluded: “Britain has NEVER received a fair deal since joining the EU”. Surely you have overlooked a groundbreaking event […]

The Propaganda Trade on the Pound – History Repeats

COMMENT: Dear Marty, In your recent blog about BREXIT and the Yellow Hammer leak, you say: “British pound is still under pressure as the propaganda machine is in full force”. Surely anyone can see is that the £ falls whenever no-deal propaganda is in the ascendancy, and £ rises when Remain or Brexit with a […]

Market Talk – August 20, 2019

ASIA: A new report released from Australia highlighted Chinese military force in the region. The report suggests significant improvements in Chinese military capabilities that could overwhelm US bases in the region in a matter of hours. This may indicate that the US stranglehold of the region could be at an end. Perhaps the report was […]

Why the Remain Politicians Only Speak their Own Self Interest

COMMENT FROM UK: On the subject of Phillip Hammond and Brexit, this is just the latest in a long list of pro-elite politicians who are looking to protect their career interests by aligning with the globalist system. Blair made hundreds of millions, Brown and Darling bailed out the banks and then went to work in […]

Market Talk – August 19, 2019

ASIA: There are reports of military personnel in the city’s largest sports complex across the Hong Kong border in neighboring Chinese city Shenzhen. This is a reminder to Hong Kong that China is ready if the situation gets out of hand for local police. Meanwhile, a report from website Gizmodo is reporting that China’s largest […]

Market Talk – August 16, 2019

ASIA: Reuters today reported that Chinese ships are reportedly changing their names in order to bypass US sanctions on Iranian crude oil. Meanwhile, China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) has been placed on a blacklist by the US meaning that no US firm will be allowed to trade with such companies. The Chinese officials responded that they […]

Crisis Ahead

The world is in a complete midlife crisis or some may say an end of life crisis. I am overseas as the world is simply going nuts. At times, I feel more like a shrink having to reassure people that it will all be OK. Both Europe and Asia are having a very bad string […]

Market Talk – August 14, 2019

ASIA: China has described the Hong Kong protests as “terrorism” as clashes with police broke out after a few days of peaceful protests. All eyes are on the Chinese government on how they are going to deal with the ongoing situation in Hong Kong. US President Trump commented, “We’ll see what happens. But I’m sure it’ll […]

Market Talk – August 12, 2019

ASIA: A lot of videos are emerging on social media regarding the police brutality against the Hong Kong protestors, with a lot of attention on the Chinese government’s actions regarding the rising protests. Meanwhile, there is still no positive news regarding the US-Chinese trade war with some analysts speculating that trade negotiations have broken down […]

Market Talk – August 9, 2019

ASIA: The IMF has released a report stressing that the US-China trade war be resolved quickly as it is putting pressure on global growth. “That is not only good for China and the U.S., but also for the international community as a whole,” Jin Zhongxia, executive director for the People’s Republic of China, says in […]