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Is the Fed a Den of Thieves? Or Independent?

COMMENT: The Fed….why would anyone put a greedy fox in charge of the hen house. Mr. Armstrong, you, of all people have more than a passing acquaintance with the corruption of the big banks. And these are the kindly gentlemen that have been appointed to “guide” monetary policy for our greater good. Simply don’t understand […]

Russian Black Fleet Heads to Sea

Russian Navy ships and submarines have suddenly left their base at Novorossiysk, in the Black Sea, en-masse. This is highly unusual and many fear that this is a change in tactics. The Western Press keeps trying to paint Russia as losing the war so, quite frankly, they can get more people to volunteer to join […]

The Fed & the Misinformation

QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your Berlin conference when one of the attendees openly admitted he was from the Bundesbank. He was very open about it. There have been other central bankers at your WEC. I suppose they have to attend just to get a whiff of the trend. Powell has come out and […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2023

ASIA:   China suspended issuing short-term visas in South Korea and Japan on Tuesday, after announcing it would retaliate against countries that required negative COVID-19 tests from Chinese travelers. In the first retaliatory move, the Chinese embassy in South Korea suspended issuing short-term visas for South Korean visitors. It would adjust the policy subject to […]

It’s Snowing in Middle East for First Time in History

Snow fall Kuwait ?? wafra — ? سیدہ گلوش ?? ? (@syedagulwis) December 27, 2022   COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to inform you as a loyal reader of your blog, it is snowing here in Kuwait for the first time in history. Your computer is the only non-passionate forecaster I have ever […]

German Coal Consumption Soars

  All of this anti-Russian warmongering that the West needs desperately to create a war to hide the total collapse of our Marxist-based Socialist Economy where politicians only know how to run by promising free programs for everything. Blowing up the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany to economically undermine Russia has undermined the German […]

Why the US will Collapse under Civil Unrest

  I have been asked about our computer forecast regarding civil unrest that would turn upward from 2014, become critical in 2023, and escalate into 2032. There is the economic breakdown that is being deliberately created by those in the Biden Administration under the misguided vision of Climate Change and how they must end fossil […]

AOC’s Flop – More Spent on Fossil Fuels than the Movie Took In

COMMENT: Regarding AOC and the FLOP climate change documentary. How much fossil fuel was used for this flop of a project. Sounds contradictory to the proposed agenda the are preaching. Almost as ironic as the elite jet setting with their private jets while we should all ride bicycles to work. MA, Thank you for being […]

Germany Ordering Farmers No Fertilizer

Germany is to comply virtually immediately with the EU directive to end fertilizer following the same path as the Netherlands. There is just no support in the data for Climate Change Mania. This is part of an agenda that will no doubt reduce the population along with the termination of fossil fuels. These people want […]

How Thinking has Inverted What was Up is now Down

I was in conversation with people I know in Europe. It is like the entire world has flipped upside down. This Climate Change Agenda is something far more sinister than anyone in mainstream media is willing to print for it has really little to do with saving the planet. If you are pro-War with Russia, […]