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What is the Most Essential Key to Public Safety?

I named the model that tracks the world economy the Economic Confidence Model because in all my research sustaining public trust has always been the most crucial factor in maintaining an economy, civil order, and in the end, international peace and stability. I question if the majority of the people are not seeing through this […]

Value of a Currency

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that money is not gold, or silver, or oil, or fiat currency, but rather represents the collective elbow grease and ingenuity of a people. From the work of Socrates, which country or countries best typify this concept and therefore will become the better countries to live in, so […]

Hospital Staff Are Getting Infected

COMMENT: Marty, There seems to be a huge rift in the realty scope: I am a surgeon myself and I have two kids that are docs. My son says five are on ECMO in his ICU in Bakersfield and my daughter (fourth year surgical resident writes this): From the residents that I know in NY, […]

Q&A 4-7-2020

QUESTION #1: Marty, you always said that gold and the dollar would rise during the monetary crisis cycle. I must admit, the fundamentals always seem to unfold to support your forecast. The article on the dollar shortage is really enlightening. The gold bugs hate you because you do not support their hatred for the dollar. […]

Bill Gates is the Greatest Threat to Your Future

  Bill Gates is the single greatest threat to your future. His entire agenda is to outlaw all gatherings until you are vaccinated and chipped so they know you are vaccinated. This man is conspiring to take down Western culture. The Left has jumped on his band-wagon so rapidly, this is an unquestionable coup with […]

Final Battle with Socialism

Is this a Staged Political Coup on a Grand International Level?

COMMENT: Hi Marty, No one has been more spot on before the deluge than you in calling these moves. Have you ever seen such idiocy in all your life as is on full display today with these politicians jockeying for position, cramming their pet projects into the bailouts and trying to without support for funding while the […]

The Fed is Acting Precisely on the Forecasts of Socrates

The Federal Reserve called a third emergency meeting to combat the economic impact of the unprecedented hyped coronavirus. A lot of emails have come in noting that Socrates had forecast the first interest rate cut by the Fed and its next target was March 23rd as we published back on March 3rd. Many have asked […]

I was told – Read your Own Book!

I had a very interesting conversation about what appears to be a grab for power with someone high up. I was told: Read tour own book! I concluded in the Manipulating the World Economy that the central banks lost all power and the solution would require political action and reform. The very issues I made […]

Never Give Your Money to a Fundamentalist!

COMMENT: You mention Dalio saying cash is trash. Did you happen to see them ask Tudor Jones about those comments only an hour after in Davos as well? He pretty much ignored the question as they are “friends” but you could tell he disagreed. I’ve watched other interviews with both of them together and is […]