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Gold & Politicians – Getting it Right For Once

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I heard you on Infowars. I understand how the gold standard would not solve anything for the problem is politicians and not what we call money. Some think that you can create a floating gold standard so gold would be money but not fixed. I really have a hard time seeing where […]

Gold Coins

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What advice can you give for buying gold coins? Rare coins can have a small or large premium based on all sorts of metrics. How do premiums perform in crisis? Are very rare coins a good strategy? What percent of net worth would you advise in metals? Thanks for a great blog, […]

Gold & the Rally

We need gold to close above 1187.50 tomorrow to signal that a further upside is possible. We need a daily closing above 1206 to suggest pushing higher. If we can get a weekly closing ABOVE 1210, then we can see a pop up to the key technical resistance at the 1285 area. Caution is ADVISABLE. The further we […]

Gold – Interest Rates – Rally

QUESTION: Will higher interest rates hurt gold if they reflect demand for money and inflation? ANSWER: Analysts have said that higher interest rates would hurt gold because gold does not pay interest, making it a less attractive investment. This just does not stack up. Rates rose into 1981 and gold rose into 1980. The exponential […]

Silver Rally & Gold Decline?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; there are claims that silver is in short supply and since the prices are low that proves it is a manipulation. This seems to be the same constant theme to sell metals yet at the same time they are saying it is manipulated so why bother? Can you shed any light on […]

Gold Standard Nonsense Compelling Us To Repeat History

COMMENT: “The system is collapsing. It is not because of some derivatives bubble. It is not because of fiat. This is because of the debt gone wild” Sure! And you don’t see the connection with the lack of a gold standard? This would never have happened during a gold standard, without someone having gone out […]

Australia’s New PM: Ex-CEO of Goldman Sachs

Australia’s new Prime Minister Malcolm Bligh Turnbull was managing director of Goldman Sachs Australia (1997–2001) and a partner with Goldman Sachs and Co. (1998–2001). In May 2002, Turnbull appeared before the Insurance Commission and was questioned on Goldman Sachs’s involvement in the possible privatization of one of the acquisitions of the collapsed insurance company. So while people make up wild […]

Malaysia, Goldman Sachs, and the ECM Turning Point

Malaysia is becoming the poster-child for the crisis in emerging markets. The rising tensions between the people and government are clearly demonstrated by this story developing within the emerging markets. In Malaysia, we hear the central bank is recommending criminal prosecution in connection with the controversial investment fund 1MDB, the BBC reported. 1MDB was a sovereign wealth fund that was set up by Malaysian […]

Dow/Gold Ratio

A number of people have wrote in to ask about the proposition that gold should rise to be equal to the Dow because that is where it had reached in 1980. Sorry, there is no way. In 1980 when gold was at $875 and the Dow was at 1,000, it was the end of a Public Wave […]

Gold & the Dow – Looking Ahead

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people have tried to copy what you do and in the process expose themselves as having nothing original to offer. They pretend to have models that pinpoint dates like October 7th and claim they are using the K-Wave to cover up their theft. Still they fail to understand what you […]